Head Teacher Mrs Louise Hepburn
P1/2/3 teachers Mrs Laura McKinnon {Principal Teacher} / Mrs Karen Dillon
P3/4/5 teacher Mrs Jenny Neilson
P5/6/7 teacher Ms Sophie Kean
Non-Class Contact Teacher Mrs Caroline Loughran
Support Staff Mrs Lillian Winship {Team Leader}
Support Staff Mrs Holly Whitecross, Mrs Fiona Grant and Mrs Leigh Forshaw
Janitor/Cleaner Mrs Janyce Lennox
Catering Staff Mrs Nichola Gregg and Mrs Lilias Donald
Educational Psychologist Mrs Julie Kiddie
Area Network Support Mrs Amy Stewart
Music tuition Mrs Sarah McQueen (cello) and Mr Tam Reilly (guitar)
Youth Music Initiative Mrs Una Cunningham
Active Schools Coordinator Mrs Emma Strachan