
Week Beginning 23rd May

On Tuesday we will visit Our Lady and St Anne`s Church for 9.30 am Mass along with the Communicants from Our Lady and St Anne`s School. There will be juice and cake in the Church Hall afterwards and it would be lovely if as many parishioners, Prayer Partners and  families could join us.


Hope you   sent out your Thank You Cards last week. I got a few which was such a lovely thought.

Reading Comprehension, Spelling and Maths Homework Sheet for Thursday please.

Our Very Special Day of Retreat 10/5/16

With just four  days before we receive the Holy Eucharist we went on a day of prayer, play and preparation. The sun shone and helped to make this day so very, very special.

Priestly Colours
Just Before We Explore in Holy Family Church
Learning About St Clare
The Monstrance
Lunch Then Playtime
In The Oratory

Weeks Beginning 2nd  -14th May

Lots happening concerning First Communion. We’ve daily Mass Responses, Hymns and Logistics right through these two weeks and thanks to Mrs Daly for coming to the school with her supply of music !! Please go over the three hymns sent home in schoolbags  and encourage Mass Responses when you get to Mass over these two very important weeks.

On Tuesday 10th May, Communicants will visit Holy Family  Centre on Retreat which is an ideal way to celebrate, thank  and pray for our intentions. Full school uniform including outdoor clothing, a change of shoes ,a packed lunch and, if required ,£1 Tuck Money  required. Looking forward to this very prayerful , peaceful and playful day .

In Our Lady And St Anne`s Church you will see our First Communion displays of which we are so proud. Don’t forget to look out for your child`s “chalice” and why not add your name to the list of Prayer Partners below your child`s picture ?

See you all next Saturday and please keep us all in your prayers.  Thank you.

MR STINK  26/4/16

Chloe meets Mr Stink and Duchess for the first time
Chloe can smell Mr Stink from far away but she is still kind to him

Mrs Brown is back with the class until the 20th May and the children have been enjoying reading the book and watching the DVD of Mr Stink.  The children are also using role play and drama, and are having fun acting out scenes from Mr Stink.  The class have also been improving their reading skills by visualising, inferring and connecting with the story.  Over the next few weeks, they will be using the skills of comparing to find similarities and differences between the book and DVD.

We will also be exploring the themes of bullying and homelessness that run through Mr Stink in our Health and Wellbeing and RE work.  The children are enjoying exploring what makes a good friendship and how best to cope with any difficulties they face. They are developing their ICT skills and have created fantastic drawings of Mr Stink using Colour Magic!!!  Please see above.

To kick off our Money topic, we enjoyed a visit to the local shops, where we learned how to budget.  We found out it was cheaper to buy a ready made pizza than to make our own! Watch this tasty space.

Homework – please see diary.


For few months now P3/4 has been completing and enjoying the Principia Diary Activities .Please take a look and watch all the clips too .They are awesome !!

                                     Here is the link and it`s free. Please tell us how you are doing.

We have been asked to report all comments to the Diary Experts !!     




Friday 18th April 2016.

Pupil of The Week  Steven Kennedy

Winning Group  Rockets

 Cake and Candy Wednesday 23rd March ..all donations welcome.

Wednesday 23rd March  Class visit by Stephen from Met Office tyo talk about The Weather and Space.

NO HOMEWORK THIS WEEK and thanks to everyone for helping P3/4 make big progress this term.

Happy Easter from us all !!

Monday 14th April 2016

Tomorrow we will begin growing spinach,beans and cress in preparation for our Space Seeds Sowing after the Easter Break.You may want to take part in a Grow Innocent Competition as we go along with our Growing Programme.Here is the link site….please let me know how you get on.


Week Ending 11th

March 20126

Pupil Of The Week : Jena McCabe

Winning Group: The Rockets

Homework:  Reading Comprehension  Spelling List  Maths Skills

Maths Measure

Adios to Mrs Brown and see you next Term !!

Science Centre was FAB !!

Next Week: Dance Festival Lunch Dancers

Mad Hatters Ball

Enterprise Friday..make and bring in .

Week Ending 4th March 2016

Pupil Of The Week : Matthew O `Donnell

Winning Group: Tim Peake

Looking forward to Science Centre Trip on Friday. Info.to follow.


Reading Comprehension   Maths Skills   Spelling Groups

Measuring Maths

Looking for weighing scales and   measuring jugs for outside activities. Will return.

WHS visit was fantastic..see school site Class Page.

Week Ending 26th February 2016

A quick hello from us all and in background is Mrs Brown our Student Teacher.

Pupil Of The Week     Islah McWatt for trying so hard with Time.

Winning Group   Tim Peake


Spelling Lists  and please see Individual Common Word List too.

Comprehension  from recent media.

Keeping Maths Skills Fresh

Busy week ahead. .,..

Fairtrade          Book Week      WHS Visit  World Book Day      Rainbow Day

We`ll   keep you posted !!

End of Week beginning 15th February 

Today, Friday most of us enjoyed a full 40 minutes Golden Time as a reward for all our good behaviour and effort during the week. Well Done.

Thank you for all your SCIAF Donations this week….£28.10 in total.

Pupil of The Week  Lewis Carroll

Winning Class  Group  The Rockets

 Week Beginning 15th February

Homework : Reading Comprehension, Spelling List, Telling The  Time  and revising Tables.

Friday 19th  is  Charity Day ….remember to ask your child the Theme.Please donate £1 to our school charity .Crazy Hair Day.

Reconciliation Booklet..PLEASE COMPLETE Unit  5  for 26/2/16

Eucharist Booklet ..Please complete Unit 2 for Friday 19th Feb.

Scots Word of The Week….Bubblyjock (ask us what it means !)

Week Beginning 8th February

Welcome to our new latest student Mrs Brown and here`s looking forward to some happy and hard working times ahead.

Pupil Of The Week   Orla Innes……her Clinging Moon Story was fab.

Scots Word of The Week as chosen by the children…bahoukie!!

Have been doing all sorts of “moon-like tasks” this week. Check out our Class Page on the School Site for pictures.

Happy Valentine`s Day from all Your Lovely  Ones here in P3/4.

Happy February Break 4/2/16

Please note Diary Entries and Little Time Booklet .This is for information but IF you have a few spare minutes please feel free to complete whatever you can manage. Great end to the week ,as you can see ,with a Tossing Competition.More on class site on School Blog.

Toss 1

Toss 2
















Please as your child the time both using analogue an digital clocks. We are revising o’clock, half past, quarter past/to  in both forms and progressing onto 5mins intervals past and to in both forms. Time can be difficult especially analogue to digital but the more practice the better.

See homework sheet and Diary for Spelling words, Comprehension and  10mins Skills Practice.  Thank you and please let me know  if you have any difficulties and  I`ll do my best with any resources etc.

Please note all Spelling  lists  for all stages are posted on School Web Site.



Welcome to the Class Blog for Primary 3/4 and Happy First Blog on this Rabbie Burns Week  25th January 2016. Welcome Rachel,a Post Graduate Student, who will be with us for a few weeks to get an experience of Primary Schools…and she couldn`t have chosen a better spot here in P3/4 !! Not forgetting our “resident parent helpers “whom we wouldn`t be without ….Mrs Sterrick,Mrs O`Donnell,Mrs Cunningham,Auntie Biff and awaiting Mrs Gray and Mrs Leggate. Keep sending in the lego,we might need an extension !!

Just had e-mail from our Pupil Pals in Shetland who are currently celebrating Up Helly Aa with Vikings ,Boats and lots of fun.We`ll do some researching this week. Why not join us and  send in any information for us all to share .


Spelling…see Diary/School Website

Newspaper Clip Skills

Subtraction….please keeping practising mental strategies and if needed, use 100 Square

Pupil of The Week        Kyle Cushley ..congratulations to our new boy.

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