Initiatives to Support the Vulnerable

Initiatives to Support the Vulnerable

It is true that coronavirus does not discriminate; however, there are a few groups of people who are significantly more affected by the virus, leading to them having an increased risk of complications. Vulnerable groups have been told to shield to lower their risk of contracting the virus. This may mean that they are unable to leave their home to shop for essentials or are simply

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The Epidemic of Loneliness in the Elderly

The Epidemic of Loneliness in the Elderly

Eleanor Service | Editor Loneliness is an odd thing. It can sneak up on you when you least expect it. Where before there was peace, there are now crushing waves of pain threatening to drown you. And you didn’t even realise you had a toe in the water. Alternatively, it can take a more direct approach, swarming your every sense until it is impossible to ignore,

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