Venice in jeopardy as outpouring of rain results in three quarters of the city submerged in water.

In the 20th century Venice descended about 120mm. In the same time frame, there was a sea level rise of 110mm. The city has been experiencing extreme cases of flooding four times a year since.

Following a week of torrential rain hitting the historic city recently, approximately 75 per cent of the city is now submerged under water and devastation is rampant with an estimated 17 people in the area being killed. The flooding in the city has been at its worst recorded rate since December 2008, with 5.1 feet submerged in water. This is the fourth highest rate ever recorded.

With climate change and sea levels continuing to rise, Venice is now facing a severe risk of survival. It has also been warned that the Mediterranean Sea could rise as much as five feet by the end of this century.

The flood has resulted in many of the city’s tourist attractions being closed, including the iconic St Mark’s Square. Tourists made their way across raised walkways with some in need of being rescued.

Although the city is at severe risk, we cannot let it die. Historian and Author Salvatore Settis told National Geographic:

“Its too important to let it die. Venice should be preserved not just for Venetians but for all humanity.”

  • Aaliyah Sarwar, Reporter


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