Aaron Gilbride|

If you’re feeling a little funny, where do you go? Doctors, though essential to society, seem to be under-appreciated in today’s world of social media and fame. Despite their crucial and life-saving skills, doctors, on average, earn twenty-five thousand less than decent football players!

The people saving our lives earn 80k-100k every year. These figures equate to a GP or special consultant. League 2 footballers, earn 100k-250k a year. The star players earn a staggering £1,000,000 a year! Although, the best of the best, such as Ronaldo or Messi make up to £78 million.

Whilst footballers train exceptionally hard, the problem with this scenario is that doctors spend 5 years in medical training and up to 16 years before qualifying, work crazy hours, risk their lives with dangerous diseases and most importantly, save lives! Now, footballers can ‘splash the cash’ with all their extra money as some doctors struggle to get by.

It all adds up when you understand one simple thing – many doctors mean low demand; few footballers mean high demand.

It seems ridiculous that doctors earn so little in comparison to these big names. Stress, guilt and nerves face doctors every day yet despite the odds, millions of lives are saved every day.

Thank you doctors!





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