Harsimer Kaur Hara, Mia Clinton, Luciana Sarti and Sheridan Armour.

In St. Andrew’s and St. Bride’s High School, blazers are an ongoing controversial topic between students and teachers. The teachers believe that blazers should be compulsory and many students believe the choice of wearing a blazer should be their’s to make. This week, we interviewed a number of students and teachers in our school and the results were interesting.

Students views were mostly similar and when we did a poll, the results were markedly one sided. Ninety-two of the students we asked think blazers should be optional and ten believe they should be compulsory.

Andrew Roxburgh, S3, said “They are not comfortable but they are smart and convenient for storing school supplies in”.

Adam Hashim, S3, said “They should be improved to make them more visually appealing to the younger generation”.

The benefits and advantages were also discussed with the students and we came to the conclusion that although they may not enjoy wearing them, they are part of our school identity and create a sense of equality.

We then interviewed some teachers and their views were quite the opposite; they are very supportive of blazers being compulsory. We came to the conclusion that the teachers believe that the blazers: look smart, are very practical in the Scottish weather, encourage a healthy work environment and promote your school identity.

Mrs Lyon, Head of English, said “The blazers are a core aspect of the St. Andrews and St. Brides uniform and create a sense of a school that’s well ordered”.

Mr McGinley, Head of year, said “The blazers make sure everyone is equal and are a good way to define the year groups as the seniors have braiding on their blazers”.

After doing a few interviews with teachers from all different departments we found that they believed that the blazers were a way for everyone to be equal and they were definitely practical with regards to the weather and to store stationery and money in.

In conclusion, although the blazers being compulsory are a very unpopular opinion among the students, they can still understand why the Blazers are an essential part to school life and can appreciate the thought process behind them. However, this does not ease the students objections as they still fiercely oppose the idea of mandatory uniform.



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