Robyn Bolger | Reporter

This week has marked National Girls Week and it has been in full swing within the school. To celebrate this, on October 3rd, an ex-student came back to the school for a day of dance and team exercises as a fun treat.

There have also been many campaigns and suggestions for girls clubs, which I think I emphasises that so many more girls have the desire to do great things and achieve so much.

In the past, many people have looked down upon women and feel that men should lead and control things.  The fact that sexism was so rife not that long ago should not be forgotten, as I think this is the reason why many still hold a sexist viewpoint.

The phrase ‘Girl Power’ is becoming very popular and powerful as part of peoples daily language – certainly furthering the opinions on what girls can do.  There are so many famous authors and actors that are known worldwide and it’s shocking to think that such a short time ago, as part of marriage, the woman had to agree to ‘obey’ her husband and care for him sincerely no matter how he treated her.

Our world is desperate for more women in science and engineering to continue developing the planet we live on, as the amount of male scientists and engineers have been increasing drastically over the years while the female influence in STEM has been remained fairly low.

This is why we have these occasions, to remember just how equal the female and male gender are.

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