Leia Granger | Life and Culture Editor
Taylor Swift, the acclaimed ‘Queen of Pop’ who once chanted about the “tear drops on her guitar” has released her latest single, entitled “Look at What You Made Me Do.” In stark contrast to her prior work, Taylor has taken a drastic turn.

Taylor somewhat appears to have adopted the position of the gossipy ‘queen bee’ of high school who has lost her position in the typical teenage monarchy. This has resulted in her turning against all those who were once her equals and is not scared to show it – in expressing that trust must go both ways.
Swift clearly shows her upset with losing her throne to those around her. She is the first to show that she believes in the act of karma and she knows that those who went against her, will soon get what is coming to them.
Swift’s change in personality has an ultimate effect on her new found reputation. It seems as though she is searching for attention to her self-pity and what she has endured from not only the media but from the likes of other celebrities.
In her efforts to take such a Fearless turn of style, Taylor attempts to re-invent her own character, but in fact we can truly see this as the beginning of her own quest for revenge.
I guess the new found Swifties better watch their backs.
Their idol appears to be trading in her goody-two shoes act  – in return for a darker and more ominous make-up.
Leia Granger
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