Newfield Primary School is one of 123 primary schools throughout South Lanarkshire Council. It is a non-denominational, co-educational school, the current roll is 223 pupils from Primary 1 to Primary 7. This session (2020/21) we have 8 classes and a Nursery which caters for up to 64 children.
Our School Day
Start 9.00am
Interval 10.40am – 10.55am
Lunch 12.35pm – 1.20pm
Close 3pm
The ethos at Newfield is happy, supportive, nurturing and caring. We have high expectations of pupils’ learning and we promote positive behaviour and good relationships. Our overall aim is to fully prepare our children for adult life in the 21st century. We hope that through reflection and our process of continuous improvement that we will all be ‘Growing into Excellence’.
The staff team at Newfield work together to nurture every pupil to reach their full potential. We encourage all our pupils to develop a love for learning and to strive for excellence. We encourage all our children to play a responsible and caring role in the life of our school and within the local community and beyond.
Our community is an extension of our school and we aim to develop relationships in an atmosphere of trust and partnership.