P6/7 January 2024


Last term we finished our novel, ‘War Horse’ which was brilliant!  We watched the film too and did a survey to see who preferred the film and who preferred the book. 76% of pupils in our class preferred the book War Horse to the film.

This term we are studying, ‘The Thief Lord’ by Cornelia Funke.  Here is a picture of the front cover and we would like to share the blurb with you too.

‘Two orphaned children are on the run, hiding among the crumbling canals and misty alleyways of the city. Befriended by a gang of street children and their mysterious leader, the Thief Lord, they shelter in an old, disused cinema. On their trail is a bungling detective, obsessed with disguises and the health of his pet tortoises. But a greater threat to the boys’ new-found freedom is something from a forgotten past – a beautiful magical treasure with the power to spin time itself …’

We have not met many characters yet, but we do know that the ‘bungling detective’ is called Victor Getz and he has lived in Venice for fifteen years and owns two tortoises called Lando and Paula.

In writing, our focus last term was imaginative.  We all did a piece of writing about a ring that could do whatever we wanted it to do.  Then we did a piece of narrative, spooky writing called ‘The Church’.  P7 also wrote Christmas poems for their buddies and we read them to them around the Christmas tree.  We also helped our wee buddies to make Christmas cards for their family!

This term, we have started learning about information report writing. There are four sections to a report. They are:

  1. Title
  2. General Statement
  3. Description
  4. Evaluation

We have done reports on Foxes and Lions so far.

Murron, Jake and Callum



In Numeracy lately we have been learning a lot about fractions, decimals and percentages (FDP). We have been learning how to calculate fractions of amounts for harder percentages and we have to use a calculator to figure out the answer.  There is a 2-step process to this:

Find 22% of 1650

step 1: find 1% (1650 divided by 100= 16.5)

step 2: times that answer by the percentage that we’re looking for (16.5 x 22)

then you should have your answer which is 363!

We have also learned the parts of a circle: the straight line that runs from one side of the circle to the other through the centre is called the ‘diameter’. The line that’s half of the diameter is called the ‘radius’ and the line that runs all around the outside of the circle is called a ‘circumference’. (With this we also learned a bit about ‘pi’, pi is the relationship of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.  The circumference of a circle is just over three times the length of its diameter. This is the case for every circle no matter how big or small it is!)

Abeera, Isabella



In December we learned a dance called The Neilsland Circle.  We taught this dance to P4, P4/5 and P5/6 and we all performed it at our Christmas party.  We are still doing Dance as our P.E. topic and have been creating our own dance moves to Disney songs.  Soon, we will move on to a Gymnastics topic.  Hazel Kelly from Universal Connections is coming in every week to help us P7s learn about going into high school and talk about anything that might be worrying us.

Kelsie Ann and Emma