P6/7 Class Blog October 2023.

House and Vice Captains

We have recently been involved in improving our house system.  We decided to change the names of the houses from colours to trees. Last term, we went into our playground and looked at all the beautiful and different trees we have. We paired up with our house/vice-captain and chose a tree that we love to be the name of our new house. We hope you love the new names as much as we do.

Silver Birch Pine Willow Rowan


Macy, Scott, Lola, Connor, Isabella, Abeera, Chad and Chloe.


Our class novel is War Horse by Michael Morpurgo, it is a fiction story, but it based on events on WW1. War Horse is about a horse (Joey), losing his mother and getting sold to a farmer. The army buys him and he becomes a war horse and does many different, difficult jobs. His best friends are Topthorn  and Albert. War Horse is AMAZING.

In writing, we have been learning about personal recount writing. Personal recount writing is about something that has happened to us in the past. Here’s some things you must do to create a good piece of personal recount writing: you have to write in chronological order, you have to write in the past tense and you have to include your thoughts and feelings about your experiences.  We did our first writing assessment of P6/7 which was about our years at Neilsland Primary.

In grammar, we have been learning about: adverbs, different kinds of nouns, alliteration, metaphors, similes and onomatopoeia. Alliteration is all about having the same sounds next to each other. We learned about alliteration by having a bit of paper and finding words that had the same sound and letter of our name.  Metaphors are two words comparing things without using ‘like’ or ‘as’. E.g the moon is cheese. Similes use the words ‘like’ or ‘as’ when comparing two things. E.g., the moon is like cheese. We are getting good at picking out language features like these in texts and we are learning how to use them in our writing this term.

Scott and Amber


Recently we have been learning about BIDMAS. These are the meanings of BIDMAS:







BIDMAS helps us understand the order of operations, here is an example :

(8 +2 ) x 3 + 4

10 x 3 + 4

30 + 4



BIDMAS is a very complicated thing to handle, but once you get to know it, it gets easy.


We have also been learning about multiplication sums. We know you might be thinking multiplication sums are too easy for P7 but the ones that we do are harder than normal ones. Here are two examples that we have done in our jotters and when you look at our jotters, you can see how we worked them out.

2536×7= 17,752



This solved and written by Chad & Kali.

World War 1.

We have been learning about WW1.  Today, we delivered an assembly of Remembrance to the whole school, in memory of the soldiers who fought and died in WW1 and all other conflicts.

Click here to view our Remembrance assembly!