The daffodils are in bloom along the banking and the sun is shining – at long last we are approaching sunnier days. Not long to go now before our P2s and P3s move on – but we’ve still got lots to share about what we’ve been doing and what the summer term will bring.
We have continued to learn our times tables (2, 5, 10, 3 and some others too). On Fridays we do the times-tables sheets where we try to get our tables done as quickly as possible – everyone loves to try and beat their record time.
We have been learning to count with money and have also started symmetry (which seems easy at first but is quite tricky!). We’ve also covered pattern, area and chance – it’s been a busy term!
Over the coming weeks we will be revisiting a lot of the work we have previously covered but now we start to expand for numbers to 100 – by building on previous learning the pupils gain confidence and start to see real differences in what they can achieve.
We have been learning how to join our handwriting and have learned 10 different joins! Now we are trying to do this in our jotters as well.
We have been writing stories, which are called narratives. We wrote about Goldilocks, The Ugly Duckling and Little Red Riding Hood. We also invented our own stories about farm animals and then made them into puppet shows which was great fun!
The pupils have made wonderful progress over the year and are now able to read and write at sentence level. Being able to do this makes literacy much more fun and opens up lots of opportunities for the coming year.
This term we will be focusing on procedural writing and then using the remaining time to revisit and reinforce the learning from the year thus far.
We continued with gymnastics and the boys and girls were super-happy when we started using the apparatus. We climbed ropes like Tarzan, we hung upside-down on the bars, we jumped off the vaulting horse onto the crash mats, we swam through underwater cone adventures and practised our basketball skills. It’s safe to say that everyone enjoyed gymnastics.
This term we will start with ball skills (catching, rolling etc) and then move onto athletics – which often introduces the pupils to many new activities that they have not tried before. Let’s hope we get the weather to go with it!
We did engineering with Mrs Mark as part of our STEM class swap lessons. We built towers out of wooden blocks and tried to make them as high as we could. We also made bridges from paper strong enough to hold a toy car.
When we went to Miss Cassidy we looked at French buildings like Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower and the Arc De Triumphe. We also used Beebots and learned how to direct them around a maze. It was great fun and we learned a lot!
Other Areas
One of our topics for this term is going to be animals and farms – we started off by making a picture of a farm which we’ll be putting on the wall outside the classroom (they’re not quite finished yet).
We’re also hoping to go on a school trip but the location (and date) are currently under discussion – stay tuned for more information!