Primary 3 – October 2022

All of the Primary 3 boys and girls have settled so well into their new class and are continuing to work hard and try their best. We have learned lots of new things since we returned to school in August, and we can’t wait to tell you all about what we have been learning!



We have been working hard throughout all aspects of Literacy and have learned how to spell lots of new and impressive words. We use our magnetic whiteboards and lots of different spelling strategies to make sure we learn them in time for Dictation every Friday. Eva says, “I like doing rainbow writing.” Everyone has also been practising putting their spelling words into sentences to help understand what they mean. Kayden particularly enjoys this, and says, “I like doing sentences because it is fun making them up in your head with the words on the board.”

We are becoming more confident and imaginative writers and have so far looked at recount and descriptive writing. Alaina said she “loved doing a recount about what I did in the October holiday.” Everyone wrote super character descriptions of Paddington Bear and remembered to include lots of adjectives. Look at this fantastic planning and structure from Alaina and Chester!



So far in Primary 3, we have been learning about rounding, place value, shape and the four operations, which are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Holly worked so hard on her division, and said, “It is fun because we got to split up a pile of cubes.” We have also been using lots of other resources to help our understanding of sharing amounts into equal groups, such as marbles, pencils, and even children! Even though it can sometimes be a little bit tricky, we never give up in Primary 3. Sophia says, “I like division because we have to use our times tables. The 4 and 5 are a wee bit hard, but we keep trying to get them right.”

We have just started our ‘Money’ topic and have been “looking at different kinds of coins and how much they are worth” – Mason. There has been lots of ‘shopkeeper’ role play too, where we have been working out how much change we should receive from different amounts. There are lots of fun and interactive money-related games posted on the Primary 3 Google Classroom to practise at home.




Primary 3 have been making use of the (mostly dry!) weather and enjoying weekly outdoor PE sessions in the MUGA. Ollie says, “I like outdoor gym because we get to do different games like fruit salad, corners and tunnel tig.”


Every week, we do French with Mrs Marnie. Devon says, “I like doing French because I’ve always wanted to learn more languages.” We have been learning our numbers to 20, greetings and will soon learn colours.

As part of our Health and Wellbeing topic, we have looked at different people who keep us safe. We discussed how important lollipop people, firefighters and police officers are and the ways in which they keep us safe. We have also been learning about different types of food and why it is important to have a healthy, balanced diet. Sionainn says, “We need healthy food because it gives you energy and keeps you fit and strong.”

Our green-fingered boys and girls have also been helping with the gardening throughout the school. We used lots of different tools to get rid of all of the weeds – we can’t wait to plant some beautiful new flowers!



We have been looking at the movement of the sun, Earth and moon with Mrs Potter on a Wednesday. We have learned about new moon missions happening now and have developed our engineering skills by building with the KAPLA bricks.

Isla said she liked when we made rocket pictures because, “It was fun and exciting.” Calum enjoyed making graphs about how daylight hours change over the year. He said it was “exciting.” Olivia liked building with the Kapla bricks, “Because it was fun making it!” Ava loves art so she enjoyed making our moon/sun display.



If we have done our homework, we now get to take part in fun activities on a Friday afternoon, such as colouring, iPad time and games. We know how important it is to do our homework every week and how much it helps us with the work we do in school. Isla loves reading at home, and says, “Homework is fun because you practise with your reading book. My book just now is called Harry’s Seal.”