P2/3 Blog Oct ’21

Hello Everyone,

We have been very busy in P2-3 and would love to tell you about some of the things we have been doing. All of these comments are directly from the boys and girls of P2-3.


We have been learning about number families. These are special numbers that fit together. We have also been doing doubles within 20 and using Hit-The-Button to beat our records.

We have been learning our number bonds to 10 and 20. We play maths games like ‘Around the World’ and the ‘stand up sit down’ game.

We have started learning to count in twos and tens which will soon lead to us starting our times tables which we will use all the way through school.

Almost every day we learn time. We have been learning to tell the time to o’clock, half-past and quarter past. Soon, we will be learning quarter-to as well.


The school now has lots of reading nooks where we can go and read our favourite books. We also have our reading buddies who are cuddly toys we can snuggle with whilst reading.

We have been learning lots of new sounds in Literacy. Sometimes we get to see Mr Monkey and if we get it right he does the Monkey Dab.

At the start of the day we get a story. We have been reading lots of Mr Men books – our favourites are Mr Jelly, Mr Greedy, Mr Sneeze and Mr Tickle.

We also write our news on a Thursday, which lets everyone know what we’ve been doing.

On a Friday we do dictation which is where we check to see how well we have learned our new sounds.

Other Areas

We have been learning some new games in PE. We have been learning about pirates and listening to instructions. We learned that the bow of a ship is the front.

In art we made snake bookmarks using coloured paper with Mrs Brock. We did pointillism art with Mr Connor – which is where you use cotton buds to make lots and lots of dots.

In computing we have been learning to log on all by ourselves – after that we get to play Sumdog and sometimes if we are lucky we get to use Friv.

We went litter picking at the nature trail and we picked up wrappers and all sorts of rubbish that people had left behind :-(. We also go climbing and exploring in the bushes. We have been looking for a unicorn but we’ve not seen her yet (probably because we’ve not been quiet enough!).

On Fridays we go in the big playground for Friendship Friday where we get to play with the big boys and girls.

At the end of the day we can also go on the climbing wall and we’ve all got very good at it.