Category Archives: Weekly Posts

It’s the final week!!

This is your final week at Burnside Primary!! Can you believe it?!

I know that some of you will be feeling sad and the idea of leaving might seem a bit scary especially because it has not been the P7 you all expected or the one that we had planned! However, you are ready for high school and as your class teacher I could not be prouder of you all.  You have coped so well during this difficult time and you worked hard keeping yourself busy. You have also made me smile everyday with your emails and photos.

It has been an absolute pleasure to be your class teacher this year!

I am looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday! Remember to check the times for your visit on the school app. Also, if you haven’t sent me a P1 photo or a photo of you in your leavers hoodie please email it by the end of today.

Take care

Ms McGuinness 😊🌈

I have attached some fun activities for you this week.  Enjoy!





Top tips for secondary school

Letter to my future self


Week 9 : Home Learning

Hi everyone,

How are you? I hope you enjoyed the sunshine yesterday. Can you believe that it is the last full week of Primary School?

I hope that you can enjoy this week as there are lots of exciting things happening! It’s Sports Week and although we can’t all be together for it Mr Campbell has put together some fun activities for you to do with your family. It’s also Burnside’s Got Talent Week! I know that you are all a talented bunch so I hope that some of you have made a video to share on the school twitter page. This week you are also getting the chance to visit your high school if you are going to Stonelaw or Cathkin. It really is a busy week!

Remember to send me a P1 photo of you and also a video sharing some of your memories from Burnside or your plans for future!

This week there are less activities because you have so many other exciting things going on. As always, you can choose the order and number of tasks you complete depending on your access to a quiet space and the internet. Remember to email if you need any help with anything.

Week-9 Activities

Have a great week and stay safe!

Ms McGuinness 😊🌈






P7 profile

P7 Profile Guide


Reading Challenge



Philips Task 1

Philips Task 2

Philips Task 2 ANSWERS

Philips Task 3


Task 1

Task 1 answers

Task 2


Somervilles Task 3

Somervilles Task 3 ANSWERS


Task 1

Task 1 answers

Task 2


Grays task 3

Health & Wellbeing 

Online Sports Week


Week 8: Home Learning



Good morning!

How are you all? I hope you have had a good weekend!

The activity timetable and resources for this week are below. As always, you can choose the order and number of tasks you complete depending on your access to a quiet space and the internet. A lot of the activities this week are linked to online resources so remember to take time to plan what you will be doing carefully. Remember to email if you need any help with anything. Please look out for the Wednesday Challenge this week and information about high school transitions.

Have a great week and stay safe!

Ms McGuinness 😊🌈


Week-8 Activities


Spelling week 8

Ruby Bridges – mild  

Ruby Bridges – spicy

Ruby Bridges – hot

Ruby Bridges ANSWERS


Maths Starter 1

Maths Starter 2

Maths Starter 3


This week I want you to focus on a range of skills.

Task 1 and 2 – Try this Numeracy Assessment P7 baseline-maths-test_

Task 3 – Choose one to complete Train Timetable Activity

Task 4 – Choose one to complete Rounding to 1000 Differentiated Activity Sheets

Let me know if you need any help with any of these resources or you feel you have any gaps in your knowledge and skills that I can help with.


I have included a range of different activities for you this week.

Task 1 and 2 – Baseline Maths test

Task 3 – Snakes and ladders 678-and-9-times-tables-board-game-

Task 4 – colour-by-multiplication-activity-

Let me know if you need any help with any of these resources or you feel you have any gaps in your knowledge and skills that I can help with.


I have included a range of activities for you to complete this week.

Task 1 and 2 – P7 baseline maths test

Task 3 – Choose one activity Fair Trade Banana Split Percentages Differentiated Activity

Task 4 – Measurement Converting Measure

Let me know if you need any help with any of these resources or you feel you have any gaps in your knowledge and skills that I can help with.


Socks -in -the box

Air Balloon Challenge

Around the World Challenge

Bingo Physical Activity


Week 7: Home Learning

Good morning!

It’s June already! How are you all?

I hope you have had a good weekend! I spent yesterday afternoon with my parents which was really lovely.  We sat in camp chairs, 2 metres apart, in their garden in the sunshine.  I hope you got to see people, from a safe distance,  who you have been missing too.

The activity timetable and resources for this week are below. As always, you can choose the order and number of tasks you complete depending on your access to a quiet space and the internet. Remember to email if you need any help with anything and also to let me know which activities you are enjoying the most.

Week-7 Activities

Have a great week and stay safe!

Ms McGuinness 😊🌈


Tuesday Starters

You can all try these starters.

Starter 1 Starter 2 Starter 3


This week you will be looking at ratios.  Click on this page and then access Week 1 resources:    There are 5 different videos and activities to complete. Try to complete Lessons 1, 2, 3 and 4. Remember to email me if you’re unsure of anything.


This week you will be continuing with time. You might want to look over the PowerPoint from last week again before completing the activities.


Philips Task 1

Philips Tasks 2-4


This week you will continue with fraction revision using resources on the White Rose Maths website: 

Once on the page scroll down to the bottom and select Summer Term -Week 1. This will bring up a new page with 4 videos and activities. Please complete tasks 1, 2 and 3. Remember to check your work and also contact me if you need any help.



Spelling Week 7

Spelling Activities


Toppsta Reading Pack

Reading Comprehensions

Scotland’s Munros – hot Scotland’s Munros – mild Scotland’s Munros – spicy

Scotland’s Munros – Answers


Primary Seven Leavers Yearbook Activity

Week 5: Home Learning





Good morning everyone,

I hope you have all had a relaxing weekend.  The weather hasn’t  been great but hopefully it will improve for the holiday weekend otherwise I will definitely have to swap my sandals for wellies.

To help you find things more easily on the blog I have created  pages for maths and health & wellbeing resources. These can be found on the menu at the top of the blog. You can also find quick links to useful websites and:

  • Weekly Activities Timetables
  • The Wednesday Challenge
  • Miss Ferry’s Online School Trips

This week the activity timetable is for Monday to Thursday as Friday and the following Monday are holidays. As always you can choose the order and number of tasks you complete depending on your access to a quiet space and the internet. Remember to email if you need any help with anything and also to let me know which activities you are enjoying the most.  It’s always great to see your work too.

Week-5 timetable

Have a great week and stay safe!

Ms McGuinness 😊🌈




Spelling list week 5




Reading Comprehension

Usain Bolt – mild  

Usain Bolt – spicy

Usain Bolt – hot

Usain Bolt ANSWERS


In My Magic Box


French Number Snap Matching Cards

Weather Preferences Board Game


Maths Starter  – Tuesday Maths Starters


This week you will continue with fraction revision using resources on the White Rose Maths website: 

Once on the page scroll down to the bottom and select Week 2. This will bring up a new page with 4 videos and activities. Please complete tasks 1, 2 and 3. Remember to check your work and also contact me if you need any help.


This week Task 1 is Algebra and Tasks 2 and 3 are revision of fractions.

Somervilles Task 1

Tasks 2 and 3

These resources can be found on the White Rose Maths’ website. – .  Once on this page scroll to the bottom and select Week 1. This will reveal 4 different fraction revision videos and activities. Please complete 1 and 2.  Remember to contact me if you have any questions.


This week you are continuing with money activities.

Philips Tasks 1- 3


Random Acts of Kindness


Week 4: Home Learning

Hi everyone,

Welcome back! It’s week 4 already! I hope you have had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the extra two days break from school work.

It was great to see so many of you last week especially as you all look happy and healthy. Thank you to so many of you who sent through photos of your virtual Lockerbie activities and you  wearing your leaver hoodies. They all made me smile.  If you haven’t sent a photo through yet there is still time, it would be great to have photos of all the P7s!  Also if you would like to add a song to the P7 playlist you can let me know before Thursday.

If you are going to Stonelaw High School in August then keep an eye on this page for transition information which is starting today 11 May –

I have created an activities timetable for this week.  You can choose the order and number of tasks you complete depending on your access to a quiet space and the internet. Try to complete the tasks you choose independently and remember to email me if you need any help.

Week-4 Activities

Have a great week and stay safe!

Ms McGuinness




Week 4 Spelling

Spelling Activities


Homophones – mild  

Homophones – spicy

Homophones – hot

Homophones – Answers

Homophones – challenge

Reading Comprehensions

ve reading comp – mild

ve reading comp -spicy

ve reading comp – hot


Maths Starters Tuesday Maths Starter


This week you will be focusing on fraction revision. There are helpful videos for each of the 4 tasks on the White Rose Maths’ website in week 1 which you will find if you scroll to the bottom of this page – . There are activities and answer sheets for each of the 4 tasks. Remember to contact me if you have any questions.


This week you will continue to focus on Algebra. If you have worked your way through last weeks resources then you should try the following:

Task 1 & 2  – Look at the algebra video and resources on

Task 3 – generate-expressions-

Tasks 4 – Algebra .4


This week  you will continue to focus on money and your times tables.

Task 1 & 2 – party_time

Task 3 – which_is_the_best_deal?

Task 4 – Philips Times Table Challenges

Health & Wellbeing

Friendship-resource-pack Zip





Banksy Bank Note Activity


Week 3: Virtual Lockerbie

Hello everyone!

We are in Week 3 and this would have been our residential week at Lockerbie Manor! I know that you are all so sad that you are missing it, I am too. I was so looking forward to spending time with you all outside the classroom. However, Miss McKinnon, Mr Campbell and I are determined to make this week lots of fun with virtual Lockerbie Activities.  The Wednesday Challenge should also make you smile as you will get to chose a challenge that I will do too. The more who take part the worse my challenge will be ! What am I letting myself in for! More will be revealed on Wednesday!   

The key thing this week is to have as much fun as you can, connect with your classmates and to share photos and videos with your adult’s permission with me so that I can put together a virtual Lockerbie slideshow. The more you share the better it will be. I will also put together a Primary 7 playlist for you to listen to and maybe you can organise a silent disco/video disco with it at home!   

The suggested timetable below also contains maths and literacy activities and as always you can choose the number and order which you complete them in.   Remember that Thursday and Friday are school holidays so the timetable is only for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.


Week-3 – Timetable

Can’t wait to hear from you all. Have a fun week!

Take care,

Ms McGuinness 



Starter – Maths Challenge UPDATED!

Extra Resources –Maths websites


I have included algebra tasks for you again this week.  If you haven’t had  a chance to complete the algebra activities from last week please do them first before moving on to these ones.

Somervilles-algebra.inequalties Tasks 1-3


I have included more money activities for you this week and a times table activity.

Philips Task 1-2

Philips Task 3 Times Table Challenges


I have included some activities on probability for you this week. Read the information at the top of each page before completing the task. Remember to email me if I can help you with anything.



Guides for writing for this weeks tasks:


Diary Writing Checklist


A wee extra art resource that I thought you might like.



T3: Week 2 – Home learning (27.04.20)

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all well and you have had a fun weekend in the sunshine.

I have managed to do some gardening and I am delighted that my plants that I’ve grown from seeds are almost ready to go out into pots in the garden. Has anyone else managed to plant any seeds? I also took Noya for a lovely walk along the Clyde Walkway. It was really beautiful and the River Clyde was so clean.


I have put together a timetable of activities for this week. Remember that these are just suggestions and you can choose the order and the number that you complete.  If you have any questions or need any help with anything please get in touch.  I am always happy to hear from you! I also love seeing the work you are doing.

Timetable-Week 2 

NOTE: If you email anything through to me remember to let me know if you are happy for it to be in the ‘Celebrating Room 14’ post on a Friday. Or if you want to share it on the Burnside Primary twitter page you can ask an adult at home to email it to

Ms McGuinness 


Grammar – Punctuation 






Spelling 27.04.20

Spelling Activities


Roald Dahl


The-Holiday -text

The-Holiday – questions

The-Holiday – ANSWERS


Maths Starter – Tuesday Maths Starter


Money Activities




If you are up to date with the coordinates activities from last week here are some revision activities for you try.


Quick Guide to Algebra





Quick Guide to Algebra

Solving Equations


French sentences

French Answers


Being Kind To Yourself Worksheet



Term 3: Week 1 (20.4.20) Home Learning

Hi everyone,

I hope you and your families are all well and managed to have fun during the spring break.

It’s strange still to be at home but it’s also important to keep everyone safe. In the meantime, I will be posting a weekly timetable with resources and will also add in some videos, challenges and photos to brighten up your week. Some of you have sent me photographs of the things you were doing before the break and I will put these together on the blog for you all to see.  

During the break I read lots of books and made sure I got outside for exercise and fresh air everyday. Let me know what you have been doing and how you are all feeling. Its always great to hear from you all.

This weeks timetable is in the link below. Remember that you can choose  the number of activities and the order you complete these depending on your access to a study space and the internet. If you have any questions or difficulty accessing any of the resources please let me know. 

Timetable –  Term 3 Week 1 20.4.20

Stay safe and have a great week!

Ms McGuinness





Monday maths starters

Maths Starters 20.4.20

Maths task are listed by group.


This week we are moving onto algebra starting with revision.

Somervilles Maths Tasks 


This week your topic will be money.

Task 1.revision

Tasks 2 – 4

Philip’s Maths Tasks 2-4



This week you will be working on 4 -quadrant coordinates.  Have a look at the poster below and also at the video before starting the tasks.

Coordinates Poster

Tasks 1 & 2


Task 3


Task 4

Co-ordinates in 4 quadrants Challenge



Art & Design

Sporting Flextangle Paper Craft

Animal Patterns Flextangle Paper Craft

Blank Template Flextangle Paper Craft



Week 2: Home Learning 30.3.20

Hello everyone, 

I hope you are all well 😊

We are now in week 2 of home learning and I hope you are all managing to adjust to the big changes. I am thinking of you all and missing your chatter (honestly) and smiling faces! It’s a tricky time and I know you will have found it difficult to get into a routine. I know I have! 

Thanks to those who have sent me an email – it is always great to hear from you.  Please remember to keep checking your emails regularly and let me know how you are.   

This week I have created a timetable of activities for you all. This will also be emailed to you.  If you are able to complete the tasks or activities suggested that is great. If however, it is difficult for you to complete the tasks this week for whatever reason then please don’t worry. 

I  have only uploaded resources for your tasks for Monday.  I will add other resources on Tuesday and Wednesday.  

Stay safe  🙌

Ms McGuinness  😊 (and a very tired Noya)  


Week 2. timetable30.3 


Spelling 30.3.20

Health and Wellbeing

Mindfulness colouring sheets

Mindfulness colouring


Grays – Angles

Task 1 

Answer the questions below on angles.

Task 2

If you have a protractor at home you can try measuring the angles on this worksheet.

Angles – Task 2

Tasks 3 and 4

Lets try some work on coordinates. Watch the video clip below then choose an activity to complete.

  1.  2.  3. 

Grays – BODMAS & Somervilles – BODMAS

There is a reminder of BODMAS on the link below.

Task 1-3 

Work your way through this booklet today, tomorrow and Wednesday.

BODMAS Booklet

Task 4 

Some BODMAS challenges. Choose one or work your way through them,

  1. 30557-bodmas-challenges
  2. T2-M-1463-Using-the-Correct-Order-of-Operations-Speed-Challenge_ver_3
  3. Order of OperationsTop Card Game

Phillips – Division

Task 1

Complete the questions below.

Task 2 & 3

There are different levels of challenge in the worksheets below. Choose one to complete today and another one tomorrow.

Tasks 2 + 3 – Division

Task 4 

Choose a division challenge from below to complete today.

Division Challenges

Division Grid Activity Sheet

Division Grid Challenge Cards