Category Archives: Wednesday Challenge

Wednesday Challenge: 17.06.2020

It’s the Wednesday Challenge!

Since it’s Sports Week I thought I would make it a sporting quiz!

  1. Which British athlete won a gold medal in the Kayak K1 at the Rio Olympics? 
  2.  Which British athlete has won the most Olympic medals? How many did they win? 
  3.  Is Sumo wrestling an Olympic sport? 
  4.  Who holds the current world record for the fastest 100m sprint? 
  5. Was Tug-of-War ever an Olympic sport?   

Good Luck 

Ms McGuinness 😊

Wednesday Challenge

It’s the Wednesday Challenge on a Thursday!

Apologies everyone I forgot to press public on this post yesterday 🙃

This week is National Child Gardening Week there are lots of great ideas for things to do in the garden on

I hope you enjoy this weeks challenge all about nature

Wednesday Challenge 

Remember to email me your answers by Friday at 3pm

Good luck! 

Ms McG 🌈😊

Ms McGuinness’ Wednesday Challenge

Hi ,

P7 Leavers’ Hoodies

It was great to see you all yesterday! I am so glad you liked your surprise! The photos you have sent me in your leavers’ hoodies are fab! I’ve also been loving all the virtual Lockerbie photos – well done everyone! It really does look like you have had a great week. I will put the photos together over the weekend so keep sending through your photos and I will add them in.

My Challenge

Thank you to all those who choose option 3 as my Wednesday Challenge! It was the option with the most votes🤦‍♀️ !

Water Challenge

I thought that it would have been a good way to cool down after delivering the hoodies but it was actually still a shock as you can see from face in the video!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Ms McGuinness  🌈

Wednesday Challenge 22.4.20

Wednesday Challenge

The answers (added at 3:10 pm) 
  1. 22 April 1970
  2. USA
  3. Denis Hayes

Lots of you said Gaylord Nelson for answer 3 which was close. However, although it was idea, it was actually Denis Hayes who organised the first event. If you want to read more about Earth Day’s history you can have a look here –

The winner this week is Eva! Well done! Take a bow!

Thank you to all who participated. You are all fab! Give yourself a pat on the back.

 Ms McG



Wednesday Challenge

Hi everyone!

Hope you are all having a good day. Did anyone play an April Fools trick today? Let me know in the comments if you have a funny story.

Today’s challenge is to take a photograph of:

  1. A rainbow ( remember there are lots in neighbour’s windows or your own)
  2.  Signs of spring ( maybe buds or blossoms, or spring flowers)
  3.  A book you love
  4.  Trees
  5. Clouds

Email me your photos anytime today and we can fill the blog with them.

I will post my photos for the challenge too.

Good luck!

If you don’t have a camera you could decorate stones like Faith has done. Faith has placed these in the local area. Let me know if you see them.

Ms McG  Image preview Faith’s wonderful pebbles