Category Archives: Homework

Homework for 1/10/19

Homework for 1/10/19

Everyone in Room 14,

We discussed today the new arrangements for your homework.  This will normally be posted here on a Tuesday for return the following Monday. As we have  a long weekend, this weeks homework is due in on Tuesday 1st October.


RM Easimaths 

Complete at least 30 minutes over the week.  RM Easimaths  can be accessed through your glow account as highlighted today in class.    

STEM Activity


Collect a copy of the ECO home survey from me in class and complete at home.  This links to the STEM competition so make sure everyone in your group completes the survey.

World War 2 Topic

 Write  a WW2 recipe in your homework jotter.  Set it out with ingredients listed first and then method. Make sure to number each step.

This can be a family recipe which has been handed down or one you have found online.  Make sure the ingredients were available at that time.

Have a good week!

Ms McGuinness










Homework for 20/9/19

Hi everyone,

I hope you have all had a great weekend!

The homework for this week is listed below. Please ensure you complete all tasks and remember to ask an adult to sign your jotter.


Open the document below to check your spelling for this week. Then complete the homework tasks for your group.

Spelling 16.9.19

Red and Blue

  1. Create a list of 8 words for each spelling rule.
  2. Write out your  words  3 times using different strategies (waterfall,  lower and upper case,  backwards,  alphabetical order diacritical marking, elkonin boxes).
  3. Write a  rap using at least 8 of your words.   Remember to          underline them.


  1. Create a list of  10 words using the o-e phoneme – as in sore.
  2. Write all 14 words ( the other 4 words on the list are home, more, school & Mrs) using rainbow writing and waterfall writing.
  3. Choose 4 words and write a sentence for each.


  1. Choose 4 activities from this weeks Studyladder set tasks. These will relate to your learning in class.  Let me know ASAP if you can’t see the new set tasks.

WW2 Topic Research

Find out if anyone in your family has stories about WW2. Has a family member lived through it ? Were they an evacuee, a soldier or one of the women working in the munition factories ? Ask them to share their story with you and for permission to share it with the class.

I’m looking forward to another great week with you all.

PS. Remember that we are going to Stonelaw High School on Tuesday morning for the start of the STEM activity so don’t forget to bring a waterproof jacket and a snack.

Ms McGuinness



Homework for 6/9/19

Hi Everyone,
Your homework for this week is as follows:

Complete 3 Studyladder activities from your set tasks see below for details.

Complete 3  Studyladder activities
1. Division by 10
2. Division by 100 and 1000
3. One other activity of your choice from the set tasks.

Complete 3 Studyladder activities from your set tasks
1. 2 x Comparing fractions activities
2. 1 x activity of your choice from set tasks
3. Watch calculating percentages video in set tasks.

Complete 3 Studyladder activities from your set tasks relating to 4 digit addition.

TOPIC – World War 2

Answer the following questions in full sentences in your homework jotter.

1. When did WW2 start and end?
2. Which countries were involved?
3. Which countries were the Allies and which were the Axis?
4. What was an evacuee? How many of them were there during WW2?
5. During WW2 men were conscripted, this meant they had to sign up to serve in the war.  What age group of men were conscripted?

All homework due on Friday 6 September. Remember to ensure an adult at home signs homework your jotter.

Let’s have another great week!

Ms McGuinness

Homework for 30 August 2019

Hello Room 14!

I hope you have all had a great weekend.

You have two tasks for homework this week:

  1. Complete at least one of the maths activities I have set for you on Studyladder.  (Your new Studyladder logins are in your homework jotters.)

2.  Research one of the following Scottish mathematicians:

  • Mary Somerville
  • Flora Philip
  • Marion Gray

Write five interesting facts about your chosen mathematician in your homework jotter.

Let’s have a great week!

Ms McGuinness