Author Archives: Ms McGuinness

28 January Homework

Hi everyone,

This week you have Reading, Maths and Spelling tasks to complete.


spelling 28.1.20

  1. Create a list of 15 words using the prefixes im and ir.
  2. Write your list of words using 2 different strategies.
  3. Write the definitions for 5 of your words.
  4. Explain the change in meaning that the im and ir prefixes make to the words.
  1. Create a list of 15 words with the phoneme ‘s’.
  2. Write your list using 2 different spelling strategies.
  3. Write the definition for 5 of your words.
  4. Write 4 sentences using at least one spelling word in each.
  1. Create a list of 10 words using the phoneme ‘u’.
  2. Write the list out using two different spelling strategies (remember to include your 5 common words too).


Please read Chapter 6 by Friday 31st January.


Please complete a times table or division activity on RmEasimaths or Studyladder for at least 10 mins on 3 separate occasions.

Have a fab week !!

Ms McGuinness   


21 January 2020 – Homework

This week is Scots week, so included in your homework is a Scots poem which you will receive in class to learn for assembly on Friday 24th January. You also have spelling and reading to complete for 28th January.


spelling 21.01.20


  1. Create a list of 10 words for each rule.
  2. Write  your list out twice using missing vowels (as explained in class)  and lower and UPPERCASE.
  3. Write a  paragraph using as many of your words as you can. Remember to underline them.


  1. Create a list of 10 words for each rule.
  2. Write  your list out twice using missing vowels (as explained in class)  and lower and UPPERCASE.
  3. Write a  paragraph using as many of your words as you can. Remember to underline them.


  1. Create a list of 10 words using the ‘y’ phoneme as in yell.
  2. Write these and the other 5 spelling words  three times using 3 different strategies.

Spelling homework should be completed for 28th January.


Please ensure that you have read Chapter 5 and The Taxi of Wilderness by 28th January.   Reading books  should be taken home in folders which will be issued this week.

Scots Week 

Please learn the Poem ‘Feart’ by Liz Niven by Friday as we hope to perform it at our Scots Week Assembly.  You can hear it being read by the poet on the link below:


Have a braw  week!

Ms McGuinness


Homework for 21 January 2020

We had a great first week back! It was so good to see you all after the Christmas break.  Let’s have another great week.

Homework for this week is as follows:


Spelling 13.01.20


  1. Create a list of 10 words with the phoneme ‘ough’
  2. Write your list plus the five extra, 3 times using different strategies each time -for example,  bubble writing, squiggly writing, other handed, UPPER and lower case.


  1. Write out your list from last week in alphabetical order.
  2. Write the list again circling the consonants with a bright pen or pencil.
  3.  Write your list again using cursive writing.
  4. Write a rap using as many of the words from your list as you can.


  1. Create a list of 15 words using the suffixes listed.  Ensure you have at least 3 words for each suffix.
  2. Write the list twice using vowel circle and words without consonants.
  3. Choose 4 of your words and write the definition for them.
  4. Write the antonyms for each of your 4 chosen words.


We are reading the novel ‘Wilderness’ by Roddy Doyle in class.  Research in winter in Finland and write 3  interesting facts to share in class.


Spend 10 minutes a day practising your times tables. It’s really important that you can recall your tables easily.

Remember to ask an adult at home to check your homework is complete and to sign your jotter to confirm this.

Have a great week!

Ms McGuinness






Homework for 14 January 2020

Happy New Year Everyone!

Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely break and you are excited about the year ahead.


There are just two homework tasks this week to help ease you back into it after the break.


Spelling 7.01.20


  1. Create a list of 15 words using the prefixes  dis- and in
  2. Write out your list twice using two different spelling strategies.
  3. Write a paragraph using as many of your words as you can. Remember to underline them.


  1. Create a list of 5 words for each of the 3 different spellings of the phoneme ‘ch’.
  2. Write out your list twice using two different spelling strategies.
  3. Write 4 sentences using at least one of your spelling words in each. Remember to underline them.


  1. Create a list of 10 words with the phoneme ‘oe’.
  2. Write out your ten words plus your 5 extra three times using three different spelling strategies.


Complete 30 minutes this week on Studyladder or RMEasimaths  OR revising  times tables .

Remember to ensure an adult signs your homework   jotter to confirm you’ve completed the tasks.

Have a great first week back!

Ms McGuinness




Homework and updates


Hello Room 14,

Apologies for the delay in posting homework for 10 December.  As its such a busy time of year for everyone there are only two tasks this week.

This year our Christmas Advent Calendar is about giving and spreading kindness.  You all have a date between 1 and 24 that you choose in class. On your chosen day you have been asked to bring an item for our local food bank box.   You will also have a random act of kindness that you should try to do on that day or the next.  Parents will be delighted to know that most of these acts of kindness will be at home e.g. help make dinner, wash dishes or tidy your bedroom.  Image result for reverse advent calendar

  1. Your first task for homework is as we discussed connected to our Advent Calendar. Please find out  who food banks help and find some ideas for goods that you can donate.

Image result for foodbank image

2. Your second task is to make a small Christmas decoration for our class tree.  We have gone over this in class and discussed ideas. Remember you can ask me for materials such as cardboard, coloured paper and ribbon.

Image result for christmas tree image


You are all working so hard in school and your effort for the Christmas show has been amazing.  So proud of you all, as always.

Have a very merry week. Image result for random acts of kindness image

Ms McGuinness




Homework for 3/12/2019

Your homework this week is listed below:


spelling 26.11.19


  1. Create a list of 10 words from the Spelling Rule.
  • 5 words beginning with wel
  • 5 words beginning with al  

2. Write out the words twice using two different strategies.

3. Write a paragraph using as any of the words from your list as you can. Remember to underline them.


  1. Create a list of 10 words from the Spelling Rule.
  2. Write out the words twice using two different strategies.
  3. Write 4 sentences using at least 1 word from your list in each.


  1. Create a list of 10 words with the ‘ie’ phoneme.
  2. Write out your list of words plus the additional common words twice using two different strategies.


Complete 30 minutes this week on Studyladder or RMEasimaths.  Revise your 7 and 8 times tables.

World War 2

Find 4 facts about the Battle of Britain to share in class.

Any questions about the homework please ask me before the end of the week.

Have a good week.

Ms McGuinness


Homework for 25/11/19


Your homework this week will be as follows:


Christmas Show       

I will issue  lyrics for the songs for our Christmas Show in class. Please practice the songs  and try to learn the lyrics by the end of next week.


If you have not read all of Goodnight Mister Tom please read for a minimum of 10 minutes each day and aim to finish it by Monday.

If you have completed the class novel please read a book of your choice for at least 10 minutes each day.


Build your maths skills by practising on Studyladder or RMEasimaths for 20 -30  minutes.

A wee reminder that items for our Afternoon Tea Hamper for the Christmas Fayre should be brought in by Thursday.

Have a good week.

Ms McGuinness                            



Homework for 20/11/19


You have 3 tasks for homework this week.


spelling 11.11.19


Write out your words 3 times using different strategies.  Choose 5 words from your list and write a sentence for each.


Write out your words 3 times using different strategies. Write a  paragraph using at least 5 of your words.


Create a list of 10 words for each phoneme – ‘ou’ and ‘ey’. Write out your lists of words using 2 different strategies.  Write two sentences using at least 2 of your words.


Somervilles and Grays

Complete Exercise 2 and 3 from the money worksheets.


Practice the 7 or 8 times tables at home with a parent and ensure they sign off your homework to confirm you have completed this task.

Topic – WW2 Anderson Shelters

  • Explain what an Anderson Shelter is in a paragraph (or more) in your homework jotter.
  • Draw a picture of an Anderson Shelter and list the materials used to build one.

Any questions regarding homework please ask by Thursday.  Also remember to ensure an adult signs your jotter.

Have a great week Room 14.

Ms McGuinness 


Homework for 11/11/19

Hello everyone!

Hope you have all had a great weekend and you are excited about the STEM competition tomorrow.  You have worked so hard and I am so proud you all!

The homework this week is listed below.


Spelling 4.11.19


Please write out the homophones listed twice using two different strategies. Choose three pairs of homophones and use each pair in a sentence.


Create a list of 5 words for each of the 3 phonemes.  Write this list of 15 words using two different strategies. Write three sentences using at least two words from your list in each sentence.


Create a list of 10 words with the ‘ou’ phoneme.  With the other 5 words write out your words three times using different strategies – rainbow writing, waterfall, upper and lowercase etc.


Please read Chapter 12, 13 or 14 of Goodnight Mister Tom.   Everyone should have read Chapter 12 and 13 by the end of this week.


Grays and Somervilles please complete in your homework jotter the first page of the Money Workbook which will be handed out in class on Tuesday (Consolidation and Exercise 1).

Philips please complete the Subtraction worksheet which will be handed out in class on Tuesday.

Please remember to ensure that an adult at home has signed your homework.

Have a great week!

Ms McGuinness