Author Archives: Ms McGuinness

Term 3: Week 1 (20.4.20) Home Learning

Hi everyone,

I hope you and your families are all well and managed to have fun during the spring break.

It’s strange still to be at home but it’s also important to keep everyone safe. In the meantime, I will be posting a weekly timetable with resources and will also add in some videos, challenges and photos to brighten up your week. Some of you have sent me photographs of the things you were doing before the break and I will put these together on the blog for you all to see.  

During the break I read lots of books and made sure I got outside for exercise and fresh air everyday. Let me know what you have been doing and how you are all feeling. Its always great to hear from you all.

This weeks timetable is in the link below. Remember that you can choose  the number of activities and the order you complete these depending on your access to a study space and the internet. If you have any questions or difficulty accessing any of the resources please let me know. 

Timetable –  Term 3 Week 1 20.4.20

Stay safe and have a great week!

Ms McGuinness





Monday maths starters

Maths Starters 20.4.20

Maths task are listed by group.


This week we are moving onto algebra starting with revision.

Somervilles Maths Tasks 


This week your topic will be money.

Task 1.revision

Tasks 2 – 4

Philip’s Maths Tasks 2-4



This week you will be working on 4 -quadrant coordinates.  Have a look at the poster below and also at the video before starting the tasks.

Coordinates Poster

Tasks 1 & 2


Task 3


Task 4

Co-ordinates in 4 quadrants Challenge



Art & Design

Sporting Flextangle Paper Craft

Animal Patterns Flextangle Paper Craft

Blank Template Flextangle Paper Craft



Wednesday Challenge

Hi everyone!

Hope you are all having a good day. Did anyone play an April Fools trick today? Let me know in the comments if you have a funny story.

Today’s challenge is to take a photograph of:

  1. A rainbow ( remember there are lots in neighbour’s windows or your own)
  2.  Signs of spring ( maybe buds or blossoms, or spring flowers)
  3.  A book you love
  4.  Trees
  5. Clouds

Email me your photos anytime today and we can fill the blog with them.

I will post my photos for the challenge too.

Good luck!

If you don’t have a camera you could decorate stones like Faith has done. Faith has placed these in the local area. Let me know if you see them.

Ms McG  Image preview Faith’s wonderful pebbles



Week 2: Home Learning 30.3.20

Hello everyone, 

I hope you are all well 😊

We are now in week 2 of home learning and I hope you are all managing to adjust to the big changes. I am thinking of you all and missing your chatter (honestly) and smiling faces! It’s a tricky time and I know you will have found it difficult to get into a routine. I know I have! 

Thanks to those who have sent me an email – it is always great to hear from you.  Please remember to keep checking your emails regularly and let me know how you are.   

This week I have created a timetable of activities for you all. This will also be emailed to you.  If you are able to complete the tasks or activities suggested that is great. If however, it is difficult for you to complete the tasks this week for whatever reason then please don’t worry. 

I  have only uploaded resources for your tasks for Monday.  I will add other resources on Tuesday and Wednesday.  

Stay safe  🙌

Ms McGuinness  😊 (and a very tired Noya)  


Week 2. timetable30.3 


Spelling 30.3.20

Health and Wellbeing

Mindfulness colouring sheets

Mindfulness colouring


Grays – Angles

Task 1 

Answer the questions below on angles.

Task 2

If you have a protractor at home you can try measuring the angles on this worksheet.

Angles – Task 2

Tasks 3 and 4

Lets try some work on coordinates. Watch the video clip below then choose an activity to complete.

  1.  2.  3. 

Grays – BODMAS & Somervilles – BODMAS

There is a reminder of BODMAS on the link below.

Task 1-3 

Work your way through this booklet today, tomorrow and Wednesday.

BODMAS Booklet

Task 4 

Some BODMAS challenges. Choose one or work your way through them,

  1. 30557-bodmas-challenges
  2. T2-M-1463-Using-the-Correct-Order-of-Operations-Speed-Challenge_ver_3
  3. Order of OperationsTop Card Game

Phillips – Division

Task 1

Complete the questions below.

Task 2 & 3

There are different levels of challenge in the worksheets below. Choose one to complete today and another one tomorrow.

Tasks 2 + 3 – Division

Task 4 

Choose a division challenge from below to complete today.

Division Challenges

Division Grid Activity Sheet

Division Grid Challenge Cards


A big hello Room 14

Image result for stayhome logoHi everyone,

I hope you are well.  I have been walking Noya each day which has been great and she seems happy to have me at home more. My boys are not so happy as I have given them lots of chores!   I have also signed up to do some keep fit and yoga while I’m working from home.  Has anyone else been keeping fit? What about cooking or baking? Please send me photos of your creations and let me know if you are happy for me to share on our blog (remember not to include your face or name in the image if you would like to share it here) .

Please login to your glow account and check your emails. I emailed everyone a link  for a Room 14  Microsoft Team which will make it easier for you all to keep in touch and access learning resources.

If you would like your Sumdog login let me know and I will email it through to you.

I plan to upload text book pages onto the blog each week and try to post a daily activity suggestion. I will also post a challenge on a Wednesday lunchtime or afternoon. Let me know what time you would prefer.  In the meantime, remember to look at the booklet I gave you with your home learning folder which had lots of ideas for learning activities across the curriculum.

Lots of love and best wishes to you all and your families

from Ms McG and Noya  x



Week 1 : 23 March 2020

Hello everyone,

Welcome to our online learning blog! The classroom is very quiet without all of you.

You have plenty of activities in your learning packs that should keep you busy at the moment.  Try to create a schedule each week day  if you can and my suggestion is to include 4 activities a day.  You all have a timetable in your home learning packs to get started.


Click on the link below to view your spelling list:


Red and Blue

Practice your words 3 times this week.  Choose different spelling activities from the Spelling Sheet  in your home learning pack.

Write a short story using all your spelling words. Proof read and double check your words are correct.

Get someone at home to test you.


Create a list of 5 or more words for each of the 3 phonemes listed.

Use this list to practice your words 3 times this week.  Choose different spelling activities from the Spelling Sheet in your home learning pack.

Write a sentence using at least two words from your list for each phoneme.

Get someone at home to test you.


  1. Choose one of the Reading comprehension tasks in your home learning pack to complete.

2.  Choose a book to read and try to read at least 15 minutes a day. Think about the different reading strategies we have been learning in class. Look at your bookmark or the handout I enclosed in your home learning packs to remind you.   You could try the activities below.

  • If you are just starting you could make predictions about what will happen next.
  • You could use visualisation to draw or write about a character from the book.
  • Or you could summarise a chapter.

Maths and Numeracy

Choose different maths and numeracy tasks to complete from your home learning pack.   Remember to use RMEasimaths or Studyladder too. I will also email each of you a Sumdog login.

Health and Wellbeing

There are ideas about keeping fit in your home learning pack. Joe Wicks is also on live each morning  at 9am with a workout that will definitely wake you up.   His post today is available here:

I will post some activities throughout the week and check in with you by email too.

Feel free to email me and let me know how you are getting on.  You can also post comments on the blog.

Take care everyone.

Ms McGuinness    

Homework for 17 March



This week you have spelling, reading and maths tasks to complete.



Spelling list  – 9.3.20

Remember to copy your spelling words correctly.


  1. Write out the list of homophones twice using two different strategies.
  2. Write a sentence for each set of homophones.


  1. Write the list of 15 words twice using 2 different strategies.
  2. Write out the list a third time circling the silent letter in each word.
  3. Write 5 sentences using at least 10 of your spelling words.
  1. Create a list of 10 words for the phoneme ‘o’.
  2. Write out this list plus the 5 common words twice using two different strategies.
  3. Write 3 sentences using at least 5 of your spelling words.

Spelling homework is due on Tuesday 17th March.


Please read Chapters 12 & The Door  by  17th March.


  1. A maths activity will be handed out to complete by 17th March.

As always,  please ask any questions about your homework as soon as you can.

Have a great week.

Ms McGuinness


Homework for Tuesday 10th March



This week you have spelling, reading and maths tasks to complete.



Spelling list  – 3.3.20

Remember to copy your spelling words correctly.


  1. Write out the list of homophones twice, using two different strategies.
  2. Write a sentence for each set of homophones e.g your first sentence should include the homophones days and daze.


  1. Write the list of 15 words twice using 2 different strategies.
  2. Write out the list a third time circling the silent letter in each word.
  3. Write 5 sentences using at least 10 of your spelling words.
  1. Create a list of 10 words for the phoneme ‘dge’.
  2. Write out this list plus the 5 common words twice using two different strategies.
  3. Write 3 sentences using at least 5 of your spelling words.

Spelling homework is due on Tuesday 10th March.


Please read Chapters 10 & 11  by  10th March.


  1. A maths activity will be handed out to complete by 10th March.

As always please ask any questions about your homework as soon as you can.

Have a great week.

Ms McGuinness

Homework for Tuesday 3rd March

Hi everyone,

This week you have spelling, reading and maths tasks to complete.



spelling 25.2.20

Spelling homework is due on Tuesday 3 March.

  1. Write the rules out.
  2. Create a list of 10 words for each rule
  3. Write your list of words using 2 different strategies.



  1. Write the rules out.
  2. Create a list of 10 words for each rule
  3. Write your list of words using 2 different strategies.
  1. Create a list of 10 words for the phonemes.
  2. Add your common words to your list and write out using two different spelling strategies.


Please read Chapter 9  by  3rd March.


  1. All maths groups should practice times tables to 12 over the next week. There are worksheets that you can use if you don’t have access to a time table  game online.

2.  Write the key things you have learned in maths this week and set yourself 2 targets.

Have a great week.



Ms McGuinness

19 February 2020

Hi everyone,

Apologies for the delay, the school system was down yesterday.

This week you have spelling, reading and topic tasks to complete.




Spelling homework is due on 25 February 2020.

  1. Write your list of words using 3 different strategies.
  2. Write the definitions for 5 of your words.
  3. Write a paragraph/short story using all of your spelling words. Remember to underline them.
  1. Write your list of words using 3 different strategies.
  2. Write the definitions for 5 of your words.
  3. Write a paragraph/short story using all of your spelling words. Remember to underline them.
  1. Create a list of 5 words for each of the 3 phonemes.
  2. Write the list out using two different spelling strategies.


Please read Chapter 8  by 25 February 2020.


Find a Japanese folktale and retell it in your own words. Remember to include a source reference.

Practice numbers 1 to 10 aloud in Japanese.

Have a great week.


Ms McGuinness

4 February 2020 Homework tasks

Hi everyone,

This week you have spelling, reading and topic tasks to complete.


Spelling list

Spelling homework is due on 13 February 2020.

  1. Create a list of 15 words using the suffixes -ful and -ist.
  2. Write your list of words using 2 different strategies.
  3. Write the root words for each of the words on your list – for example if you have the word wonderful, the root word is wonder.
  4. Explain the change in meaning that the suffixes ful and ist suffixes make to the words.
  1. Create a list of 15 words with the phoneme ‘au’.
  2. Write your list using 3 different spelling strategies.
  3. Write the definition for 4 of your words.
  4. Write 4 sentences using at least one spelling word in each.
  1. Create a list of 10 words using the phoneme ‘gn’.
  2. Write the list out using two different spelling strategies (remember to include your 5 common words too).


Please read Chapter 7 by 13 February 2020.


Choose a Japanese tourist sight to research and produce a brochure including information and photographs. Please ensure that you write in your own words and do not copy and paste from the internet.  This is due for Tuesday 18th February 2020.

Have a great week and enjoy the mid term break!

Ms McGuinness