It’s the final week!!

This is your final week at Burnside Primary!! Can you believe it?!

I know that some of you will be feeling sad and the idea of leaving might seem a bit scary especially because it has not been the P7 you all expected or the one that we had planned! However, you are ready for high school and as your class teacher I could not be prouder of you all.  You have coped so well during this difficult time and you worked hard keeping yourself busy. You have also made me smile everyday with your emails and photos.

It has been an absolute pleasure to be your class teacher this year!

I am looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday! Remember to check the times for your visit on the school app. Also, if you haven’t sent me a P1 photo or a photo of you in your leavers hoodie please email it by the end of today.

Take care

Ms McGuinness 😊🌈

I have attached some fun activities for you this week.  Enjoy!





Top tips for secondary school

Letter to my future self


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