Week 5: Home Learning





Good morning everyone,

I hope you have all had a relaxing weekend.  The weather hasn’t  been great but hopefully it will improve for the holiday weekend otherwise I will definitely have to swap my sandals for wellies.

To help you find things more easily on the blog I have created  pages for maths and health & wellbeing resources. These can be found on the menu at the top of the blog. You can also find quick links to useful websites and:

  • Weekly Activities Timetables
  • The Wednesday Challenge
  • Miss Ferry’s Online School Trips

This week the activity timetable is for Monday to Thursday as Friday and the following Monday are holidays. As always you can choose the order and number of tasks you complete depending on your access to a quiet space and the internet. Remember to email if you need any help with anything and also to let me know which activities you are enjoying the most.  It’s always great to see your work too.

Week-5 timetable

Have a great week and stay safe!

Ms McGuinness 😊🌈




Spelling list week 5





Reading Comprehension

Usain Bolt – mild  

Usain Bolt – spicy

Usain Bolt – hot

Usain Bolt ANSWERS


In My Magic Box


French Number Snap Matching Cards

Weather Preferences Board Game


Maths Starter  – Tuesday Maths Starters


This week you will continue with fraction revision using resources on the White Rose Maths website:  https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-7/ 

Once on the page scroll down to the bottom and select Week 2. This will bring up a new page with 4 videos and activities. Please complete tasks 1, 2 and 3. Remember to check your work and also contact me if you need any help.


This week Task 1 is Algebra and Tasks 2 and 3 are revision of fractions.

Somervilles Task 1

Tasks 2 and 3

These resources can be found on the White Rose Maths’ website. –https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-7/ .  Once on this page scroll to the bottom and select Week 1. This will reveal 4 different fraction revision videos and activities. Please complete 1 and 2.  Remember to contact me if you have any questions.


This week you are continuing with money activities.

Philips Tasks 1- 3


Random Acts of Kindness


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