
Check-in Station

Following on from Mrs McGarvey’s message on the school app, this is your  weekly ‘Check-in Station’ !

We want to keep in touch with everyone so we are asking each pupil to post a message on their class blog. You can leave your comment below. Lots of you have already been in touch but I’d love to hear from all of you.  You can just say hello or you can tell me how you are and any activities you have been doing. 

You can check-in today (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday) before 3pm.

Let’s see if we can get everyone in room 14 to check in! Spread the word and encourage your friends just in case they haven’t seen this post.

I look forward to hearing from you all.

Ms McGuinness x

45 thoughts on “Check-in

  1. Hi everyone hope you all doing ok it’s really weird working from home never thought I would say this but I kinda miss school 😂 and Of course I miss everyone As well 😂😂💝🙂🤪💞💞😊💘🎉😌🤪💛🙂😉😚😁😂🤣😘😝😙😌🥰xxxxx

    1. Post author

      Hi Jamie,
      Great to hear from you on the blog! Nice message to everyone too. Than you for checking-in. Ms McG

    1. Post author

      Hi Faith,
      Great to hear from you on the blog!I know you are all finding tough not seeing each other.
      I’m missing everyone’s smiley faces too. Thank you for keeping in touch. Ms McG

    1. Post author

      Hi Emily,
      It’s so good to hear from you! Glad to hear you are doing fine. If you have lost your glow login you can contact Mr Campbell to
      get it reset ( Thank you for checking-in! Look forward to hearing from you again soon. Ms McG

  2. Hi everybody,I’ve been busy in the garden helping my dad.
    I also have been finding out a out trains and their speeds.
    I’ve been doing some baking,making scones.yummy

    1. Post author

      Hi Jamie,
      It’s great to hear from you! Sounds like you have been very busy!
      I’d love to see photos of your baking and gardening. Remember you can email them to me
      and I can post them on or class blog. Thank you for checking in! Ms McG

      1. Post author

        Hi Marley,
        Great to hear from you! I am good, thank you, hope you are too. Thank you for checking-in. Keep in touch. Ms McG

    1. Post author

      Hi Zaffira,
      It’s great to hear from you on the blog! Nice message for everyone. Thanks for keeping in touch. Ms McG

    1. Post author

      Hi Marley,

      Hope you have had a good weekend. Don’t worry, you can use the Spelling Activities link instead. It’s just below this weeks spelling.

      Have a great day.

      Ms McG

    1. Post author

      Hi Shaun,

      It’s great to hear from you! I hope you are well and have been enjoying the sunshine. If you are having trouble accessing glow, let me know and I will ask Mr Campbell to reset it for you.
      Thank you for checking-in. Hope to hear from you again soon. Ms McG


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