Week 2: Home Learning 30.3.20

Hello everyone, 

I hope you are all well 😊

We are now in week 2 of home learning and I hope you are all managing to adjust to the big changes. I am thinking of you all and missing your chatter (honestly) and smiling faces! It’s a tricky time and I know you will have found it difficult to get into a routine. I know I have! 

Thanks to those who have sent me an email – it is always great to hear from you.  Please remember to keep checking your emails regularly and let me know how you are.   

This week I have created a timetable of activities for you all. This will also be emailed to you.  If you are able to complete the tasks or activities suggested that is great. If however, it is difficult for you to complete the tasks this week for whatever reason then please don’t worry. 

I  have only uploaded resources for your tasks for Monday.  I will add other resources on Tuesday and Wednesday.  

Stay safe  🙌

Ms McGuinness  😊 (and a very tired Noya)  


Week 2. timetable30.3 


Spelling 30.3.20

Health and Wellbeing

Mindfulness colouring sheets

Mindfulness colouring


Grays – Angles

Task 1 

Answer the questions below on angles.

Task 2

If you have a protractor at home you can try measuring the angles on this worksheet.

Angles – Task 2

Tasks 3 and 4

Lets try some work on coordinates. Watch the video clip below then choose an activity to complete.


  1.  2.  3. 

Grays – BODMAS & Somervilles – BODMAS

There is a reminder of BODMAS on the link below.


Task 1-3 

Work your way through this booklet today, tomorrow and Wednesday.

BODMAS Booklet

Task 4 

Some BODMAS challenges. Choose one or work your way through them,

  1. 30557-bodmas-challenges
  2. T2-M-1463-Using-the-Correct-Order-of-Operations-Speed-Challenge_ver_3
  3. Order of OperationsTop Card Game

Phillips – Division

Task 1

Complete the questions below.

Task 2 & 3

There are different levels of challenge in the worksheets below. Choose one to complete today and another one tomorrow.

Tasks 2 + 3 – Division

Task 4 

Choose a division challenge from below to complete today.

Division Challenges

Division Grid Activity Sheet

Division Grid Challenge Cards


2 thoughts on “Week 2: Home Learning 30.3.20

  1. Room 14! I hope you are all keeping yourself safe! I can see there are lots of fun activities for you to complete. Remember to take your time working your way through them.

    Make sure you get out in the sunshine when it’s out, either in your garden or for a walk.

    I hope to see you all soon!

    (Mr. Campbell)

    1. Post author

      HI Mr Campbell,

      I am sure everyone in room 14 is delighted to hear from you! We hope you are well and managing to keep busy.

      Ms McG


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