Week 1 : 23 March 2020

Hello everyone,

Welcome to our online learning blog! The classroom is very quiet without all of you.

You have plenty of activities in your learning packs that should keep you busy at the moment.  Try to create a schedule each week day  if you can and my suggestion is to include 4 activities a day.  You all have a timetable in your home learning packs to get started.


Click on the link below to view your spelling list:


Red and Blue

Practice your words 3 times this week.  Choose different spelling activities from the Spelling Sheet  in your home learning pack.

Write a short story using all your spelling words. Proof read and double check your words are correct.

Get someone at home to test you.


Create a list of 5 or more words for each of the 3 phonemes listed.

Use this list to practice your words 3 times this week.  Choose different spelling activities from the Spelling Sheet in your home learning pack.

Write a sentence using at least two words from your list for each phoneme.

Get someone at home to test you.


  1. Choose one of the Reading comprehension tasks in your home learning pack to complete.

2.  Choose a book to read and try to read at least 15 minutes a day. Think about the different reading strategies we have been learning in class. Look at your bookmark or the handout I enclosed in your home learning packs to remind you.   You could try the activities below.

  • If you are just starting you could make predictions about what will happen next.
  • You could use visualisation to draw or write about a character from the book.
  • Or you could summarise a chapter.

Maths and Numeracy

Choose different maths and numeracy tasks to complete from your home learning pack.   Remember to use RMEasimaths or Studyladder too. I will also email each of you a Sumdog login.

Health and Wellbeing

There are ideas about keeping fit in your home learning pack. Joe Wicks is also on live each morning  at 9am with a workout that will definitely wake you up.   His post today is available here:

I will post some activities throughout the week and check in with you by email too.

Feel free to email me and let me know how you are getting on.  You can also post comments on the blog.

Take care everyone.

Ms McGuinness    

9 thoughts on “Week 1 : 23 March 2020

    1. Post author

      Its part of the booklet that has a note from me at the front. If you can’t find it, I can email you a copy.
      Ms McGuinness

    1. Post author

      Hi Zaffira,

      Great to hear from you. I hope you are well. Check your glow email for your Sumdog login. Ms McG

  1. Hi Ms McGuinness
    Is there any way my mum could contact you? Regarding my homework logins etc…
    As I was off the last week of school and never got a pack.

    1. Post author

      Hi Finlay,
      So nice to hear from you. I hope you are well. Your mum can email Mr Campbell at deputeht2@burnside-pri.s-lanark.sch.uk to get your glow reset. I have sent your sumdog login to your glow email. If you are still having difficulty leave another message here and we will get in touch with you.

      Take care

      Ms McG


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