19 February 2020

Hi everyone,

Apologies for the delay, the school system was down yesterday.

This week you have spelling, reading and topic tasks to complete.




Spelling homework is due on 25 February 2020.

  1. Write your list of words using 3 different strategies.
  2. Write the definitions for 5 of your words.
  3. Write a paragraph/short story using all of your spelling words. Remember to underline them.
  1. Write your list of words using 3 different strategies.
  2. Write the definitions for 5 of your words.
  3. Write a paragraph/short story using all of your spelling words. Remember to underline them.
  1. Create a list of 5 words for each of the 3 phonemes.
  2. Write the list out using two different spelling strategies.


Please read Chapter 8  by 25 February 2020.


Find a Japanese folktale and retell it in your own words. Remember to include a source reference.

Practice numbers 1 to 10 aloud in Japanese.

Have a great week.


Ms McGuinness

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