Homework and updates


Hello Room 14,

Apologies for the delay in posting homework for 10 December.  As its such a busy time of year for everyone there are only two tasks this week.

This year our Christmas Advent Calendar is about giving and spreading kindness.  You all have a date between 1 and 24 that you choose in class. On your chosen day you have been asked to bring an item for our local food bank box.   You will also have a random act of kindness that you should try to do on that day or the next.  Parents will be delighted to know that most of these acts of kindness will be at home e.g. help make dinner, wash dishes or tidy your bedroom.  Image result for reverse advent calendar

  1. Your first task for homework is as we discussed connected to our Advent Calendar. Please find out  who food banks help and find some ideas for goods that you can donate.

Image result for foodbank image

2. Your second task is to make a small Christmas decoration for our class tree.  We have gone over this in class and discussed ideas. Remember you can ask me for materials such as cardboard, coloured paper and ribbon.

Image result for christmas tree image


You are all working so hard in school and your effort for the Christmas show has been amazing.  So proud of you all, as always.

Have a very merry week. Image result for random acts of kindness image

Ms McGuinness




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