Week 7: Home Learning

Good morning!

It’s June already! How are you all?

I hope you have had a good weekend! I spent yesterday afternoon with my parents which was really lovely.  We sat in camp chairs, 2 metres apart, in their garden in the sunshine.  I hope you got to see people, from a safe distance,  who you have been missing too.

The activity timetable and resources for this week are below. As always, you can choose the order and number of tasks you complete depending on your access to a quiet space and the internet. Remember to email if you need any help with anything and also to let me know which activities you are enjoying the most.

Week-7 Activities

Have a great week and stay safe!

Ms McGuinness 😊🌈


Tuesday Starters

You can all try these starters.

Starter 1 Starter 2 Starter 3


This week you will be looking at ratios.  Click on this page and then access Week 1 resources: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/    There are 5 different videos and activities to complete. Try to complete Lessons 1, 2, 3 and 4. Remember to email me if you’re unsure of anything.


This week you will be continuing with time. You might want to look over the PowerPoint from last week again before completing the activities.


Philips Task 1

Philips Tasks 2-4


This week you will continue with fraction revision using resources on the White Rose Maths website:  https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-7/ 

Once on the page scroll down to the bottom and select Summer Term -Week 1. This will bring up a new page with 4 videos and activities. Please complete tasks 1, 2 and 3. Remember to check your work and also contact me if you need any help.



Spelling Week 7

Spelling Activities


Toppsta Reading Pack

Reading Comprehensions

Scotland’s Munros – hot Scotland’s Munros – mild Scotland’s Munros – spicy

Scotland’s Munros – Answers


Primary Seven Leavers Yearbook Activity

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