Week 4: Home Learning

Hi everyone,

Welcome back! It’s week 4 already! I hope you have had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the extra two days break from school work.

It was great to see so many of you last week especially as you all look happy and healthy. Thank you to so many of you who sent through photos of your virtual Lockerbie activities and you  wearing your leaver hoodies. They all made me smile.  If you haven’t sent a photo through yet there is still time, it would be great to have photos of all the P7s!  Also if you would like to add a song to the P7 playlist you can let me know before Thursday.

If you are going to Stonelaw High School in August then keep an eye on this page for transition information which is starting today 11 May –


I have created an activities timetable for this week.  You can choose the order and number of tasks you complete depending on your access to a quiet space and the internet. Try to complete the tasks you choose independently and remember to email me if you need any help.

Week-4 Activities

Have a great week and stay safe!

Ms McGuinness




Week 4 Spelling

Spelling Activities


Homophones – mild  

Homophones – spicy

Homophones – hot

Homophones – Answers

Homophones – challenge

Reading Comprehensions

ve reading comp – mild

ve reading comp -spicy

ve reading comp – hot


Maths Starters Tuesday Maths Starter


This week you will be focusing on fraction revision. There are helpful videos for each of the 4 tasks on the White Rose Maths’ website in week 1 which you will find if you scroll to the bottom of this page –https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-7/ . There are activities and answer sheets for each of the 4 tasks. Remember to contact me if you have any questions.


This week you will continue to focus on Algebra. If you have worked your way through last weeks resources then you should try the following:

Task 1 & 2  – Look at the algebra video and resources on https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zghp34j

Task 3 – generate-expressions-

Tasks 4 – Algebra .4


This week  you will continue to focus on money and your times tables.

Task 1 & 2 – party_time

Task 3 – which_is_the_best_deal?

Task 4 – Philips Times Table Challenges

Health & Wellbeing

Friendship-resource-pack Zip





Banksy Bank Note Activity


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