Week 3: Virtual Lockerbie

Hello everyone!

We are in Week 3 and this would have been our residential week at Lockerbie Manor! I know that you are all so sad that you are missing it, I am too. I was so looking forward to spending time with you all outside the classroom. However, Miss McKinnon, Mr Campbell and I are determined to make this week lots of fun with virtual Lockerbie Activities.  The Wednesday Challenge should also make you smile as you will get to chose a challenge that I will do too. The more who take part the worse my challenge will be ! What am I letting myself in for! More will be revealed on Wednesday!   

The key thing this week is to have as much fun as you can, connect with your classmates and to share photos and videos with your adult’s permission with me so that I can put together a virtual Lockerbie slideshow. The more you share the better it will be. I will also put together a Primary 7 playlist for you to listen to and maybe you can organise a silent disco/video disco with it at home!   

The suggested timetable below also contains maths and literacy activities and as always you can choose the number and order which you complete them in.   Remember that Thursday and Friday are school holidays so the timetable is only for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.


Week-3 – Timetable

Can’t wait to hear from you all. Have a fun week!

Take care,

Ms McGuinness 



Starter – Maths Challenge UPDATED!

Extra Resources –Maths websites


I have included algebra tasks for you again this week.  If you haven’t had  a chance to complete the algebra activities from last week please do them first before moving on to these ones.

Somervilles-algebra.inequalties Tasks 1-3


I have included more money activities for you this week and a times table activity.

Philips Task 1-2

Philips Task 3 Times Table Challenges


I have included some activities on probability for you this week. Read the information at the top of each page before completing the task. Remember to email me if I can help you with anything.



Guides for writing for this weeks tasks:


Diary Writing Checklist


A wee extra art resource that I thought you might like.



2 thoughts on “Week 3: Virtual Lockerbie

  1. Good Morning Room 14!
    I hope you are all staying safe and healthy at home.
    It’s rubbish that we aren’t going away to Lockerbie today but as Ms McGuinness said, we are determined to make this the best week for you all!
    Now I had promised my P7s that they would be allowed to push me into the lake at Lockerbie on the last day and I have set my class a challenge on how I could recreate this at home.
    I’m thinking… you could maybe set Ms McG a challenge like this too! Definitely a chance to get a little bit of revenge on your teachers!!
    Have a think!
    Will speak to you soon,
    Miss McKinnon ☺️

    1. Post author

      Miss McKinnon,
      It’s so lovely to hear fro you on our classroom blog.
      I am however less pleased to hear your challenge ideas for me🙃!
      I am hoping that Room 14 don’t want to see me getting soaked.
      Ms McG 😂


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