Check-in Station

Hello everyone,

This your Weekly Check-in Station.

Please check-in by leaving a comment below. This can be just a quick hello or a short message. I look forward to hearing from you all!

Remember to leave a comment by 3pm tomorrow. A big thank you to those who checked in last week – well done! Let’s see if we can get everyone in the class checked-in this week!Β Spread the word and remind your classmates!


Ms McGuinness


30 thoughts on “Check-in Station

    1. Post author

      Morning Eva,
      Great to hear from you and I am glad you are well. Thank you for checking-in! Ms McGuinness

    1. Post author

      Hi Molly,
      Great to hear from you! I’m glad you are well. It’s hard not seeing everyone. I miss all your smiley faces and chatter too. Thank you for checking-in.
      Ms McG

    1. Post author

      Hi Olivia,
      Great to hear from you. I’m glad you are well. Lots of miss this week from everyone, I know that it’s tough not seeing your friends.
      I miss you all too 😒! Thanks for checking-in. Ms McG

    1. Post author

      Hi Aimee, thank you for checking-in. It really is very strange not seeing everyone. I know that it’s hard not seeing your friends. Take care. Ms McG πŸ™ŒπŸŒˆ

  1. Hello Room 14 – I hope you’re all well! Missing you all. I can see Ms McGuinness has posted loads of fun activities. I also hear she has had lots of lovely emails from you all! Great team work – keep that up!

    Take care of youselves!
    (Mr. Campbell)

    1. Post author

      Hi Shaun,
      I’m glad you are well and managing to keep in touch with your friends.
      Thank you for checking in. Take care. Ms McG 🌈

  2. I have switched to Spanish on Doulingo which is easier than french and I’ve done a few booklet things and I’m doing well.

    1. Post author

      Hi Ella,
      Great to hear from you on the blog. Well done with the Spanish! Thanks for checking-in. Take care. Ms McG 🌈

    1. Post author

      Hi Mia,
      Great to hear from you on the blog! Lots of miss this week, it’s hard not seeing your friends. Take care. Ms McG 🌈

    1. Post author

      Hi Emily,

      Great to hear from you! I hope you are well too. Thank you for checking-in. Take care. Ms McG🌈

    1. Post author

      Hi James,
      I am glad you are well. Thank you so much for keeping in touch. Take care. Ms McG🌈

    1. Post author

      Hi Murray,
      It’s great to hear from you. I am glad you are well. Thank you for checking-in ! Take care. Ms McG 🌈

    1. Post author

      Hi Marley,
      Great to hear from you on the blog. It was good to see you too. Thank you the the great photos you sent. Take care. Ms McG 🌈


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