Earth Day

Hi Room 14,

How are you all today?

Did you know that today is Earth Day?


Why not make a pledge for Earth Day 2020 and pin it up somewhere at home. My pledge for this year is to walk more and use my car less.


Or you could design a poster and display it in your window at home. Here are some amazing posters to inspire you designed by artists around the world.

Or have a look at this website. There are lots of different activities to choose from. Remember to send me photos of your posters or activities.

Have a great Earth Day!

Ps: Remember to look out for the Wednesday Challenge at 1pm.

Ms McG

One thought on “Earth Day

  1. Room 14 I hope you had a good Easter and ate PLENTY of chocolate. I know I did!!! Checking that you’re all okay. Missing you a lot (I know it’s hard to believe, haha). Stay safe everyone and hopefully see you soon. 🙂 (Mr. Campbell).


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