Monthly Archives: April 2020

Check-in Station

Hello everyone,

This your Weekly Check-in Station.

Please check-in by leaving a comment below. This can be just a quick hello or a short message. I look forward to hearing from you all!

Remember to leave a comment by 3pm tomorrow. A big thank you to those who checked in last week – well done! Let’s see if we can get everyone in the class checked-in this week! Spread the word and remind your classmates!


Ms McGuinness


T3: Week 2 – Home learning (27.04.20)

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all well and you have had a fun weekend in the sunshine.

I have managed to do some gardening and I am delighted that my plants that I’ve grown from seeds are almost ready to go out into pots in the garden. Has anyone else managed to plant any seeds? I also took Noya for a lovely walk along the Clyde Walkway. It was really beautiful and the River Clyde was so clean.


I have put together a timetable of activities for this week. Remember that these are just suggestions and you can choose the order and the number that you complete.  If you have any questions or need any help with anything please get in touch.  I am always happy to hear from you! I also love seeing the work you are doing.

Timetable-Week 2 

NOTE: If you email anything through to me remember to let me know if you are happy for it to be in the ‘Celebrating Room 14’ post on a Friday. Or if you want to share it on the Burnside Primary twitter page you can ask an adult at home to email it to

Ms McGuinness 


Grammar – Punctuation 






Spelling 27.04.20

Spelling Activities


Roald Dahl


The-Holiday -text

The-Holiday – questions

The-Holiday – ANSWERS


Maths Starter – Tuesday Maths Starter


Money Activities




If you are up to date with the coordinates activities from last week here are some revision activities for you try.


Quick Guide to Algebra





Quick Guide to Algebra

Solving Equations


French sentences

French Answers


Being Kind To Yourself Worksheet



Celebrating Room 14

Celebrating room 14

Week 1 of this term is almost complete! Well done!

Thank you to all of you who are keeping in touch and sending me photos, copies of activities and tasks.  If you email me by Friday morning each week I can put your photos and work onto our  weekly celebration PowerPoint.  (If you don’t want it on the class blog just let me know when you send it). 

I hope you all have something nice planned in the sunshine this afternoon and over the weekend.

See you back here next Monday

Ms McGuinness


Check-in Station

Following on from Mrs McGarvey’s message on the school app, this is your  weekly ‘Check-in Station’ !

We want to keep in touch with everyone so we are asking each pupil to post a message on their class blog. You can leave your comment below. Lots of you have already been in touch but I’d love to hear from all of you.  You can just say hello or you can tell me how you are and any activities you have been doing. 

You can check-in today (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday) before 3pm.

Let’s see if we can get everyone in room 14 to check in! Spread the word and encourage your friends just in case they haven’t seen this post.

I look forward to hearing from you all.

Ms McGuinness x

Wednesday Challenge 22.4.20

Wednesday Challenge

The answers (added at 3:10 pm) 
  1. 22 April 1970
  2. USA
  3. Denis Hayes

Lots of you said Gaylord Nelson for answer 3 which was close. However, although it was idea, it was actually Denis Hayes who organised the first event. If you want to read more about Earth Day’s history you can have a look here –

The winner this week is Eva! Well done! Take a bow!

Thank you to all who participated. You are all fab! Give yourself a pat on the back.

 Ms McG



Earth Day

Hi Room 14,

How are you all today?

Did you know that today is Earth Day?


Why not make a pledge for Earth Day 2020 and pin it up somewhere at home. My pledge for this year is to walk more and use my car less.


Or you could design a poster and display it in your window at home. Here are some amazing posters to inspire you designed by artists around the world.

Or have a look at this website. There are lots of different activities to choose from. Remember to send me photos of your posters or activities.

Have a great Earth Day!

Ps: Remember to look out for the Wednesday Challenge at 1pm.

Ms McG

Term 3: Week 1 (20.4.20) Home Learning

Hi everyone,

I hope you and your families are all well and managed to have fun during the spring break.

It’s strange still to be at home but it’s also important to keep everyone safe. In the meantime, I will be posting a weekly timetable with resources and will also add in some videos, challenges and photos to brighten up your week. Some of you have sent me photographs of the things you were doing before the break and I will put these together on the blog for you all to see.  

During the break I read lots of books and made sure I got outside for exercise and fresh air everyday. Let me know what you have been doing and how you are all feeling. Its always great to hear from you all.

This weeks timetable is in the link below. Remember that you can choose  the number of activities and the order you complete these depending on your access to a study space and the internet. If you have any questions or difficulty accessing any of the resources please let me know. 

Timetable –  Term 3 Week 1 20.4.20

Stay safe and have a great week!

Ms McGuinness





Monday maths starters

Maths Starters 20.4.20

Maths task are listed by group.


This week we are moving onto algebra starting with revision.

Somervilles Maths Tasks 


This week your topic will be money.

Task 1.revision

Tasks 2 – 4

Philip’s Maths Tasks 2-4



This week you will be working on 4 -quadrant coordinates.  Have a look at the poster below and also at the video before starting the tasks.

Coordinates Poster

Tasks 1 & 2


Task 3


Task 4

Co-ordinates in 4 quadrants Challenge



Art & Design

Sporting Flextangle Paper Craft

Animal Patterns Flextangle Paper Craft

Blank Template Flextangle Paper Craft



Wednesday Challenge

Hi everyone!

Hope you are all having a good day. Did anyone play an April Fools trick today? Let me know in the comments if you have a funny story.

Today’s challenge is to take a photograph of:

  1. A rainbow ( remember there are lots in neighbour’s windows or your own)
  2.  Signs of spring ( maybe buds or blossoms, or spring flowers)
  3.  A book you love
  4.  Trees
  5. Clouds

Email me your photos anytime today and we can fill the blog with them.

I will post my photos for the challenge too.

Good luck!

If you don’t have a camera you could decorate stones like Faith has done. Faith has placed these in the local area. Let me know if you see them.

Ms McG  Image preview Faith’s wonderful pebbles