A big hello Room 14

Image result for stayhome logoHi everyone,

I hope you are well.  I have been walking Noya each day which has been great and she seems happy to have me at home more. My boys are not so happy as I have given them lots of chores!   I have also signed up to do some keep fit and yoga while I’m working from home.  Has anyone else been keeping fit? What about cooking or baking? Please send me photos of your creations and let me know if you are happy for me to share on our blog (remember not to include your face or name in the image if you would like to share it here) .

Please login to your glow account and check your emails. I emailed everyone a link  for a Room 14  Microsoft Team which will make it easier for you all to keep in touch and access learning resources.

If you would like your Sumdog login let me know and I will email it through to you.

I plan to upload text book pages onto the blog each week and try to post a daily activity suggestion. I will also post a challenge on a Wednesday lunchtime or afternoon. Let me know what time you would prefer.  In the meantime, remember to look at the booklet I gave you with your home learning folder which had lots of ideas for learning activities across the curriculum.

Lots of love and best wishes to you all and your families

from Ms McG and Noya  x



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