21 January 2020 – Homework

This week is Scots week, so included in your homework is a Scots poem which you will receive in class to learn for assembly on Friday 24th January. You also have spelling and reading to complete for 28th January.


spelling 21.01.20


  1. Create a list of 10 words for each rule.
  2. Write  your list out twice using missing vowels (as explained in class)  and lower and UPPERCASE.
  3. Write a  paragraph using as many of your words as you can. Remember to underline them.


  1. Create a list of 10 words for each rule.
  2. Write  your list out twice using missing vowels (as explained in class)  and lower and UPPERCASE.
  3. Write a  paragraph using as many of your words as you can. Remember to underline them.


  1. Create a list of 10 words using the ‘y’ phoneme as in yell.
  2. Write these and the other 5 spelling words  three times using 3 different strategies.

Spelling homework should be completed for 28th January.


Please ensure that you have read Chapter 5 and The Taxi of Wilderness by 28th January.   Reading books  should be taken home in folders which will be issued this week.

Scots Week 

Please learn the Poem ‘Feart’ by Liz Niven by Friday as we hope to perform it at our Scots Week Assembly.  You can hear it being read by the poet on the link below:


Have a braw  week!

Ms McGuinness


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