Homework for 28/10/19

Welcome back everyone! I hope you enjoyed the October Break.

Your homework for this week is listed below.


Chapter 9 or 10 of Goodnight Mister Tom. If you have read both these chapters then read a book of your choice for at least 10 minutes each day.

Spelling 21.10.19

Red and Blue

  1. Write out your spelling words in your Homework jotter
  • using upper and lowercase letters ; and
  • in neat cursive writing using pen

2. Write a short story using as many of your spelling words as possible. Remember to check the spelling.


  1. Create a list of 5 words with the ‘ea’ phoneme (as in break).

2. Write this list and your other spelling words twice in your homework jotter.

3. Write 3 sentences including at least 3 of your spelling words.

Work with your team to create a poster, video or presentation for your STEM model.  You will  decide in class on Tuesday which task to complete at home.



A wee reminder that our class trip to the Riverside Museum is on Thursday. Please ensure that you arrive on time on Thursday morning  and bring a packed lunch and waterproof jacket with you.  It should be a fun day!

Have a good week!

Ms McGuinness 







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