Homework for 7/10/19

Hi everyone,

Hope you have all had a great long weekend!

Homework tasks for this week are listed below.

  1.    Reading


Goodnight Mister Tom

Read the next Chapter of the class novel. This will be  Chapter 7 or 8 depending on how far you have read in class.

2.      Spelling

This week is consolidation of the spelling that you had in class last week.

spelling 1.10.19

Please also write either 4 sentences or a paragraph containing at least 6 of your words. Remember to underline them.

3.       STEM

Please research the energy source chosen by your STEM team.

(a)  Prepare a short fact file about the chosen energy source.

  •  Identify how it is produced and ways that it can be used
  • Include a model design idea

Have a great week!

Ms McGuinness

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