Monthly Archives: October 2019

Homework for 4/11/19


Hope you have all had a great weekend!

We have a very busy week ahead with our STEM projects so I have only given you two tasks to complete.


Please read at least one Chapter  (11, 12 or 13)  from the class novel.   Write 2 questions  about the Chapter that you will be able to ask a partner in class. Think of the comprehension questions that you have answered in class about previous Chapters you have read. You could ask a question about an event,   what we can infer from a character’s actions or behaviour or the meaning of a tricky word.


Please log onto  RM easimaths and practice for at least 30 minutes. This can be spread over the week.

I note that a lot of the class have not yet completed any activities on RM easimaths. Please ensure that  you have a note from home (by this Thursday) if you are unable to  access  your easimaths account.

Have a great week!

Ms McGuinness 

Homework for 28/10/19

Welcome back everyone! I hope you enjoyed the October Break.

Your homework for this week is listed below.


Chapter 9 or 10 of Goodnight Mister Tom. If you have read both these chapters then read a book of your choice for at least 10 minutes each day.

Spelling 21.10.19

Red and Blue

  1. Write out your spelling words in your Homework jotter
  • using upper and lowercase letters ; and
  • in neat cursive writing using pen

2. Write a short story using as many of your spelling words as possible. Remember to check the spelling.


  1. Create a list of 5 words with the ‘ea’ phoneme (as in break).

2. Write this list and your other spelling words twice in your homework jotter.

3. Write 3 sentences including at least 3 of your spelling words.

Work with your team to create a poster, video or presentation for your STEM model.  You will  decide in class on Tuesday which task to complete at home.



A wee reminder that our class trip to the Riverside Museum is on Thursday. Please ensure that you arrive on time on Thursday morning  and bring a packed lunch and waterproof jacket with you.  It should be a fun day!

Have a good week!

Ms McGuinness 







Homework for 11/10/19

Hi everyone,

Homework for this week is due on Friday so that you can all enjoy the October break.


spelling 7.10.19


Create a list of 6 words for each suffix.

Write a short paragraph using at least 8 of your words.


Write out your words twice using different strategies.

Write a short paragraph using at least 8 of your words.


Create a list of 6 words with the c phoneme.

Write out all your words out twice using pyramid and rainbow writing.


Bring in recycled materials such as cardboard, paper and plastic to create your team STEM model.

Have a great week!

Ms McGuinness






Homework for 7/10/19

Hi everyone,

Hope you have all had a great long weekend!

Homework tasks for this week are listed below.

  1.    Reading


Goodnight Mister Tom

Read the next Chapter of the class novel. This will be  Chapter 7 or 8 depending on how far you have read in class.

2.      Spelling

This week is consolidation of the spelling that you had in class last week.

spelling 1.10.19

Please also write either 4 sentences or a paragraph containing at least 6 of your words. Remember to underline them.

3.       STEM

Please research the energy source chosen by your STEM team.

(a)  Prepare a short fact file about the chosen energy source.

  •  Identify how it is produced and ways that it can be used
  • Include a model design idea

Have a great week!

Ms McGuinness