Home Learning for Week beginning 8th June

Good morning and welcome to Home Learning Week 10. I hope you are all safe and well.

I have listed tasks which can be undertaken during the week and can be carried out in any order. Everyone is in a different situation so please do whatever you can with your child and don’t worry about completing them all.



Below are the phonemes/phoneme words/common words for each group. First have a chat about the spelling rule for the phoneme words and check your child knows the meaning of each word. Then try to practise them every day using a multi-sensory activity.  Multi-sensory ideas could include: making the words using playdough, painting the words, writing the words in a sand tray or on a whiteboard/chalkboard, as well as, writing the words on a computer then changing the font/size, writing the words using fancy letters or with eyes shut.  The words could even be written using the hand not normally used for writing.  Can you and your child think of any new multi-sensory activities to try? You could give your child a spelling quiz, either oral or written, at the end of the week to see how many words they can remember.


“ie” phoneme – tried, cried, fried, died, dried, supplied, replied, lied, lie, denied, tie              Common Words – tell, large, spell, still, saw


Same as the Red Group.  In addition, ask your child if they can think of any other words which have the “ie” phoneme. Please check that the words are spelled correctly and ask them to practise these words as well.


“igh” phoneme – high, right, thigh, bright, might, light, right                                                                Common Words – who, after, hand


All the letters of the alphabet. Please try to practise saying them correctly and writing them using correct formation.                                                                                                                              Common Words – did, as, he

CHALLENGE ACTIVITY – Ask your child to write a sentence for each word. Please remind them to use V.C.O.P. (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation).


Please find the text below for your child’s group.


Please ask your child to read “Here, Boy!” and complete the follow-up work in their Home Learning jotter.


Please ask your child to read “A Letter from Sarah” and complete the follow-up work in their Home Learning jotter.


Please ask your child to read the “Gingerbread Man” and complete the follow-up work in their Home Learning jotter.


Please complete pages 5 – 8 of the booklet pictured below (one page per day). Words could also be practised using paint, pasta or playdough etc.

Also, please complete pages 5 – 8 of the booklet pictured below (one page per day).

Grammar and Punctuation

Please find the tasks below for your child’s group.


Please ask your child to complete this work in their Home Learning jotter.

Grapes and Pineapples

Please click on the link below to find a worksheet with a picture of a summer garden at the top. Ask your child to look at the picture carefully and discuss with them what different things are happening. Then ask them to write a sentence for each thing. Ask your child to write as many sentences as they can. Please remind them to use capital letters and full stops in their work, as well as, use their knowledge of phonics to spell unfamiliar words. The worksheet can be printed out and sentences written on the sheet or in their Home Learning jotter



Please complete the page indicated below for your child’s group.


Grapes and Pineapples



Please find below this term’s Learn Its/Counting activities and tasks for your child’s group. Textbook/workbook pages can be completed orally, on paper or in the Home Learning jotter. Worksheets can be printed out, completed orally or in the Home Learning jotter.


Below is a link to the Toy Shop Money Game which I’m sure your child will enjoy playing and allows them to practise laying out money (up to £5) and giving change (from up to £1):


Using money you have at home, discuss with your child coin equivalents for 20p, 50p and £1, e.g. What two coins could you use to make 20p?, What three coins could you use to make 50p?, What five coins could you use to make £1?


Counting Coins Worksheets

Making Amounts to 20p Worksheets

Using the link below, print out the pieces of fruit with prices attached, cut them out (if you are unable to print out these sheets, just find items from around the house and stick on prices similar to the ones shown) and use these with coins you have at home to play “shops”. This allows your child to practise adding items together, paying for them and giving change from 20p.

Priced Pieces of Fruit

Below is a link to the Toy Shop Money Game which I’m sure your child will enjoy playing and allows them to practise laying out money (to 20p) and giving change (from 20p):



Please continue to count forwards to 20, as well as, counting backwards with your child. Try to count different objects around the house e.g. spoons, crayons. Continue to discuss numbers after/1 more, before/1 less and between, e.g. What number is 1 more than 11?, What number comes before 14?  What number comes between 18 and 20? Also, continue to discuss numbers 2 more/2 less, e.g. What number is 2 more than 15? What number is 2 less than 20?

I Spy Counting Worksheet

I Spy Answer Sheet

If possible, please locate 10 x 1p coins. Lay out different amounts up to 10p, e.g. Lay out 7 x 1p coins and ask your child to count the coins and find out how much money you have laid out.

If possible, please locate 10 x 1p, 5 x 2p, 2 x 5p and 1 x 10p coins. Begin to use different coin combinations to make amounts up to 10p, e.g. lay out 5 x 1p coins and ask your child what other coin could be used to show that amount.

Below is a link to the Toy Shop Money Game which I’m sure your child will enjoy playing and allows them to practise laying out money to 10p:


Other Activities

It is World Ocean Day on Monday 8th June. Below are a few links to activities related to this that you could undertake with your child. Books or the internet may be needed to complete some of them.

The Five Oceans Labelling Map Activity Sheet

Oceans and Continents Cut and Stick Activity

My Oceans Mini Book

World Oceans Day Word Search

World Oceans Day Colouring In Sheet


I hope you and your child enjoyed the visit to the Superhero Academy last week. I know I did! There should be another virtual trip this week. Please keep checking the school app for details.

Remember you can share any good pieces of work by emailing them to gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk

I have loved seeing all the photographs of the great jobs that have already been emailed in. I have included some of these in the “WOW Work” tab at the top. Please remember our blog is public so I can’t use any photos that have children in them. Names will not be matched with photos. Mrs McGarvey is able to use photographs of the children on Twitter. This week, I have seen pictures of “old” Burnside and a girl completing her work on commas which have been sent in.

I will post our “Check-in Station” on Thursday so all the boys and girls can let me know how they are doing. It would be great if everyone could leave a comment. Please tell the children I am missing them all and I am so proud of them for trying hard with their home learning.

I hope you all have a super week and keep safe everyone!

Mrs Lindsay

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