

See the source imageGood morning, everyone!

I hope you are all well. It has been lovely to hear how the boys and girls have been getting on. Please tell them I am missing them!

Here is this week’s check-in. Please help your child to add a comment to this post by Friday. They can just say hello and tell me how they are or they can tell me what they have been doing.

Stay safe,

Mrs Lindsay

26 thoughts on “Check-in

  1. Hello Mrs Lindsay how are you?
    I am doing great. Recently I put up a tent in the back garden and I might sleep in it on Friday night. I finished reading Slime with my daddy. It was sad at the end.
    Today I did pyramid and rainbow spelling and I am about to start a new book called Tom Gates, What Monster?

    1. Hi, Jesse! I’m fine, thank you. I’m glad to hear you are great. I hope you have a fab time sleeping in your tent, I always have lots of fun when I sleep in a tent! I have still to read Slime but it is the next book on my list! Thank you for letting me know I might need tissues at the end. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  2. I have been doing study ladder and this timestable app and the maths factor. I’ve been doing my spelling words and my comprehension. I’ve also been reading Tom Gates Mega make and do. I’ve read all of it this morning.

    1. Hi, Douglas! It sounds like you have been busy! I really enjoyed seeing the pictures of what you have been doing that Mum sent. Did you enjoy the book you read this morning? Have a good weekend. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  3. Hi mrs lindsay, how are you. I am good. I have been doing pyramid writing today. I got a new bed so we are decorating my room this weekend.

    1. Hi, Megan! I’m fine, thank you. I’m glad to hear you are good. How exciting! Have you chosen new wallpaper? What colour of paint have you picked? I bet your room will be lovely when it is finished. Have a good weekend decorating! Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

      1. We are just paining the walls. I have picked blue, pink and turquoise! I share with nathan so he’s got colours too he has chosen.
        Mum said I can send you a photo when it’s done. I’m excited about getting my new bed. Have a good weekend. Missing you and school.

        1. Megan, those colours are lovely. I can’t wait to see a photo! I’m missing you and everyone at school as well. Have a good weekend too. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  4. Hi Mrs Lindsay. How are you? I am good today. I done the vote exercise this morning and some dinosaur topic yesterday. It is nearly my birthday very soon and I can’t wait! Hope you are doing well. Heather 😀

    1. Hi, Heather! I’m fine, thank you! I’m glad to hear you are good. When is your birthday? I’m just about to go out a walk with Robbie and Ava. I hope the sun keeps shining. Have a lovely weekend. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  5. Hi Mrs Lindsay,

    How are you? I have had a good week this week. It has been very busy doing my tasks. I also started reading The Naughty Unicorn. I have been out on my bike with Gregor and my mum.

    Have a good weekend.

    Lewis x

    1. Hi, Lewis! I’m fine, thank you. I’m glad to hear you have had a good week. I saw the picture of your VE cakes that you made, they looked fab! I bet they tasted yummy too! I have never read The Naughty Unicorn, let me know if you think it is good. Have a good weekend as well. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  6. Hi Mrs Lindsay, I hope you are well. Have Ava & Robbie been out on their bikes more ? I have laughed at cheeky monkeys story and enjoyed the beginning, middle and end practise with my Esio Trot book. We visited the tadpoles again – I can’t wait until they become frogs ! Take care

    1. Hi, Rory! I’m fine, thank you. How are you? Robbie and Ava have been out on their bikes again, this week they cycled to their Gran and Granda’s house and waved at them through the window. I enjoyed reading the Cheeky Monkeys story too. Have a lovely weekend. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  7. Hi Mrs Lindsay,

    Today I made a massive space poster with all the things that I have leant about space. My little brother Sonny helped me.
    Hope you have had a fun week.

    From Alfie

    1. Hi, Alfie! That sounds fab! Ask Mum (if she’s not too busy) to take a picture and email it so I can see it. I bet you and your brother worked well together. I have had a fun week with Robbie and Ava. They keep me very busy! Have a good weekend. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  8. Hi

    Mrs Lindsay I have been doing lots of school work this week and I have been having lots of fun with my family and I have done a Longleat Safari quiz with 113 beavers.


    1. Hi, Noah! You have been busy! I’m glad to hear you are still having fun with your family. Have a lovely weekend. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  9. Hi miss
    Sam here I’m having fun at home my sister is teaching me and I know my 1,2,3,5 and 19 times table now.

    1. Hi, Sam! It is lovely to hear from you! How are you? You are very lucky to have two big sisters to teach you! Have a great weekend! Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  10. Hi mrs Lindsay my mum said that the tooth fairy would be busy with me because I have four wobbly teeth Bye.

    1. Hi, Emily! How are you? I think your Mum is right, the tooth fairy will be very busy visiting your house! Have a lovely weekend. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  11. Hi Mrs Lindsay, I have been recovering from a weekend of party for my Birthday last Saturday, we had a beach party! Jesse even managed to pop round to give me a present and say Happy Birthday.

    I was not been feeling too well yesterday but starting to feel better today but I have still managed to do my work. My mum made me a numbers treasure hunt which we did this morning, it was good fun.

    Hope you have a nice weekend.

    1. Hi, Olly! Happy belated birthday! A beach party sounds fab, I bet you had lots of fun! I hope you are feeling much better soon. My daughter, Ava, wasn’t feeling very well a few days ago but she is back to her cheeky self now! I hope you have a nice weekend too. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

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