Happy Holidays!

Good morning boys and girls,

I just wanted to post a message to you all to say thank you for all of your hard work and effort both in class and at home this year. I’m so proud of each and every one of you! You really have been an absolute pleasure to teach! Thank you also for all of your messages and examples of work you sent in whilst at home – it really cheered me up seeing what you were doing! 🙂

Please thank all of your grown-ups at home too for their patience and help these last few months (if they aren’t reading this with you). We have all had a very challenging and unusual time. I hope you all have a lovely summer holiday and I will be thinking of you all having fun in the sun 🌞 (hopefully)!

Take care boys and girls,  

Lots of love,

Mrs Lindsay 💓 


8 thoughts on “Happy Holidays!

  1. Hello Mrs Lindsay

    Thank you so much for all you have done for Freya this year. She has loved having you as her teacher and has also loved mothering/bossing all the primary 2 boys lol.

    She has not come home once stressed about learning or about her class and that is all down to you.
    It’s been such an unusual end to the school year but I hope you have a lovely summer.

    1. Aww thank you! I have really enjoyed teaching Freya this year! I hope you have a lovely summer too. Mrs Lindsay

  2. Thank you so much, Jack has loved having you as his teacher this year. We hope you have a lovely summer holiday and enjoy your well deserved break. From Jack and Emma (mum) xx

    1. Aww thank you! I have really enjoyed teaching Jack this year! I hope you have a lovely summer too. Mrs Lindsay

  3. Thank you for everything ! Noah really enjoyed having you as a teacher, such a shame it ended the way it did. Hope you have a lovely summer !

  4. Hi Mrs Lindsay. Heather wants to say thanks very much for teaching her this year. She has enjoyed school this year. She says her favourite bit was doing the nativity. She has done well at home learning and hopefully will settle in well in next years class. Have a great summer.

    1. Aww thank you! Please tell Heather I really enjoyed teaching her this year! I hope you have a great summer too. Mrs Lindsay

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