Check-in (18th June)

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Good morning, everyone!

I hope you are all well and enjoying Burnside’s Got Talent and Sports Week. I have loved hearing how the boys and girls have been getting on. Please tell them I am missing them! Here is this week’s check-in. Please help your child to add a comment to this post by Friday. They can just say hello and tell me how they are or they can tell me what they have been doing. They can even tell me about their unique talent or how they got on with the activities they participated in for Sports Week.

Stay safe,

Mrs Lindsay

14 thoughts on “Check-in (18th June)

  1. Hi Mrs Lindsay, this week I have enjoyed lots of fun out in the park with my scooter and looking at baby geese. We had an afternoon tea in my Gran’s garden which was great.

    Hope you have a great weekend

    1. Hi, Olly! It sounds like you have had a lovely week! I bet you really enjoyed afternoon tea in Gran’s garden! I hope the sun keeps shining so we can all have fun in the sun this weekend. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  2. Hi mrs Lindsay how are you. I am good we have done some comprehension. On the Cycling challenging we have done 44 miles

    1. Hi, Megan! I am fine, thank you. I’m glad to hear you are good. 44 miles! Wow! Keep up the good work! I hope the sun keeps shining so we can all have fun in the sun this weekend. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  3. Hi Mrs Lindsay, this is Joel Lawrie. I am well and enjoying the school work you have been giving me. My dad is doing a good job but I miss you as my teacher. Sports week has been fun. I liked the long jump the best.

    1. Hi, Joel! I’m glad to hear you are well and enjoying doing your school work at home. Aww! I miss you and all the other boys and girls from Room 5 too. I hope the sun keeps shining so we can all have fun in the sun this weekend. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  4. Hi Mrs Lindsey

    I’ve been doing my spelling and punctuation . I also got a Spider-Man far from home Lego set because I’ve completed therapy days of the maths factor . I’ve been watching Willy Fogg 2. I’ve also been making dens . I also went to the rugby pitch that’s near my house we play with a ball . I’ve also been playing on my switch.


    1. Hi, Douglas! It sounds as if you have had a lovely week. I saw the photos of your great jobs that Mum emailed in, as well as, you taking part in Sports Week activities. I hope the sun keeps shining so we can have fun in the sun this weekend. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  5. Hi Mrs Lindsay,

    How are you? I have been busy doing my school work but missing you as my teacher. I have seen my Gran and Papa and a friend in the garden which was brilliant. We all remembered to stay 2m.
    I have done a magic trick for my talent act. My mummy will send it, I hope you like it.

    Take care,

    1. Hi, Alfie! I’m fine, thank you. How are you? Aww! I’m missing you and all the other boys and girls of Room 5 too. I can’t wait to see your magic trick, I’m sure I will love it! I’m glad you had lots of fun at your Sports Day. Obstacle races are my favourite as well. Have a lovely weekend with your family. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  6. Hi Mrs Lindsay, I have been doing some fractions this week. I have been playing my friends on fortnite, I’ve had so much fun. Speak to you soon, have a nice weekend. From Jack.

    1. Hi, Jack! I’m glad to hear you have had lots of fun playing with your friends on Fortnite. I hope the sun comes back so we can have fun in the sun again. Have a nice weekend too and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  7. Hi Mrs Lindsay,

    How are you? I have been busy with school work but missing having you as my teacher. I did a magic trick for Burnside’s got Talent. Hope you like it.
    We have done a sports day today with all the sports events from this week. It was really fun, especially the obstacle course!
    Hope you are looking forward to the summer holidays.
    Take care,
    From Alfie.

    1. Hello again, Alfie! I have just seen the video of your magic trick. You were fab, the best magician I have ever seen! Mrs Lindsay

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