Check-in (11th June)

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Good morning, everyone!

I hope you are all well. I have loved hearing how the boys and girls have been getting on. Please tell them I am missing them!

Here is this week’s check-in. Please help your child to add a comment to this post by Friday. They can just say hello and tell me how they are or they can tell me what they have been doing.

Stay safe,

Mrs Lindsay

18 thoughts on “Check-in (11th June)

  1. Hi everyone. This week I made a melon fruit cake with my mum. I also did football training with my dad. Have a great weekend

    1. Hi, Jude! It is lovely to hear from you! A melon fruit cake sounds lovely, I bet it tasted yummy! My son, Robbie, likes to go outside and do some football training as well. He loves to practise scoring goals. Have a great weekend too. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  2. Hi Mrs Lindsay sorry that I missed last week check in I was really sick but now I’m better I can do really cool gymnastics thank you for listening good bye

    1. Hi, Emily! Oh, dear! I’m sorry to hear you were sick last week but I’m glad you are feeling better now. I bet you are a gymnastics whizz kid! Don’t worry about missing last week’s check-in, you can message me anytime. Have a good weekend. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  3. Hi

    Mrs Lindsay how are you?I have been doing lots of work this week with maths and literacy and reading THE BAD GUYS in the baddest day ever

    Noah 😁

    1. Hi, Noah! I’m fine, thank you. How are you? It sounds like you have been very busy! Is your book good? I’ve not read that book yet. Have a good weekend. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  4. Hi Mrs Lindsay how are you. I am good. We have done some math and reading. I have made a small book , I have wrote in the book and this month we are doing a cycling challenge. I have already cycled 22 miles out of 25 miles. 🚴🏽‍♀️😀

    1. Hi, Megan! I’m fine, thank you. How are you? What is your book about? That is amazing! Well done! I don’t think I could cycle 22 miles! Good luck with the rest of the challenge. Have a good weekend. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  5. Hi Mrs Lindsey,

    I’ve been reading more books. I got a new Tom Gates book. I’ve also been watching BBC teach. It shows you about what people did in the past. I have learnt about Mary Anning the fossil Hunter and Rosa Parks.

    I’m looking forward to going back to school,


    1. Hi, Douglas! I’ve been reading books this week too. I wish the warm and sunny weather would come back so I could sit in the garden to do it. BBC Teach sounds very interesting. I bet you enjoyed learning all about Mary Anning and Rosa Parks. I’m looking forward to going back to school with all the boys and girls as well. Have a good weekend. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  6. Hi Mrs Lindsay, sorry I have missed a few weeks check in. This week I have been doing well at my work. This week is festival week for my dad’s work so we stuck, painted and glittered decorations and made a set of DJ decks. We then had a festival!

    1. Hi, Olly! Oh, don’t worry about that, it’s lovely to hear from you now! Mr Miller sent me the pictures your Mum emailed in, so I knew you were having lots of fun with your family! It is good to hear you are doing well with your work. Festival Week sounds great! I bet you all had a fab time! Have a good weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  7. Hi Mrs Lindsay,

    How are you? I have had a good week but the weather has been horrible. I’m going to go see my gran and papa tomorrow which I’m really looking forward to.

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Lewis x

    1. Hi, Lewis! I’m fine, thank you. How are you? I agree with you about the weather, it has been awful! Did you see the heavy rain on Wednesday? I hope the warm and sunny weather comes back soon.I hope you have a lovely time when you visit Gran and Papa. Have a good weekend too and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  8. Hi Mrs Lindsay,

    Sorry I missed check in, I’ve just been really busy on my bike and doing my school work. My mum took us on the Clyde walkway for a big cycle this week and I’ve been busy reading books. I’ve also been helping my little sister Holly with her reading as she’s primary 1. I hope you’re well and I miss you and all my friends. Take care

    1. Hi, Seren! Oh, don’t worry about that, it is lovely to hear from you now. You must have been very tired after your cycle this week, I don’t think I could cycle that far. Well done! I bet you are a great teacher to Holly. I’m fine, thank you. I’m missing you and all the children from our class too. Have a good weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  9. Hi Mrs Linsday, I had a busy week last week I helped paint the kitchen and cut the hedges. I got a lovely letter from Jude 🙂 and I done all the money and change jobs you sent. It was my birthday on Sunday and mums on Saturday so we had a wee party in the garden and made trifle. When you see me next I will be 7! I hope you are having fun with Robbie & Ava. Take care

    1. Hiya, Rory! It certainly sounds like you had a busy week! It also sounds like you were a great help to Mum and Dad! Happy Belated Birthday to you and Mum! I hope you both enjoyed the party in the garden. I can’t believe you are seven now! I won’t recognise you the next time I see you! Robbie, Ava and I are all having fun together, and looking forward to the holidays. Have a good week and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

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