Check-in/Burnside’s Got Talent Update

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Good morning, everyone!

I hope you are all well. I have loved hearing how the boys and girls have been getting on. Please tell them I am missing them!

Here is this week’s check-in. Please help your child to add a comment to this post by Friday. They can just say hello and tell me how they are or they can tell me what they have been doing.

Also, Mrs McGarvey has confirmed the details for this year’s Burnside’s Got Talent! If your child is interested in participating record a video or take a picture of their talent (people have chosen to sing, dance, play an instrument, tell a joke or perform gymnastics, football skills and magic tricks in previous years) and tweet the video or photo of their performance on Twitter between 15th and 19th June. Tweet @burnsideprim and we will retweet. There will also be a special certificate on the app/Twitter for you to download as a thank you for your child’s participation. I can’t wait to see what they come up with!Have fun and stay safe,

Mrs Lindsay

14 thoughts on “Check-in/Burnside’s Got Talent Update

  1. Hi Mrs Lindsay,

    How are you? I’ve had a great week. I worked very hard at all my jobs. I really enjoyed the money jobs. My mum let me use the scanner at the supermarket so that I could see how much everything costs. That was fun. My gran gave us her old hot tub so I have been in that all week too. It’s my birthday on Monday but my mum let me pick my present early as she was having trouble finding one. I have a new pet hamster. I’ve called him Brutus after one of my favourite characters in Fortnite. I’m hoping it’s dry tomorrow as we are having a garden party at my gran’s for my birthday.

    Hope you and your family have a lovely weekend!

    Lewis x

    1. Hiya, Lewis! It is lovely to hear from you! I’m fine, thank you! It does sound like you have had a great week! Happy birthday for Monday, Lewis! I hope you have a great day and have lots of fun at the garden party! Say hi to Brutus for me! I hope you and your family have a lovely weekend too and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  2. Hi Mrs Lindsay.

    How are you? I’ve learned to knit this week which has been good fun.
    I have been doing studyladder on my new tablet and I have loved it.
    My favourite topic is maths on studyladder and I like the bicycle game as you can win a race and its helping me get better at my times tables.

    I like watching Trinity and Beyond on you tube. It’s phenomenal and I have loved it ever since lockdown has started.

    Have a good weekend Mrs Lindsay

    1. Hiya, Freya! It is lovely to hear from you! I am fine, thank you! How are you? I learned to knit when I was a little girl as well but I wasn’t very good at it! I’m still not! It sounds like you have been busy on your tablet learning but also having fun, which is good to hear! I hope you have a good weekend too and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  3. Hi Mrs Lindsay, how are you? I am good. This week I have been practicing spelling and also writing short stories. Me and my brothers were playing in the paddling pool in the garden. I hope the sun comes back soon. I have been teaching my little brother how to play Minecraft and also playing with my friend on fortnite. Have a nice weekend, Jack F.

    1. Hiya, Jack! It’s lovely to hear from you! I am fine, thank you. I’m glad to hear you are good. You sound like you are a great big brother! My son, Robbie, likes to play Minecraft and Fortnite as well. I hope the warm and sunny weather comes back soon too. Have a nice weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  4. Hi mrs Lindsay how are you. I am good we have been doing a spelling test and doing some math work. I call Quinn and we have done the last to leave challenge. I also talk with Ava, Sophia, Hana, Emily and a few others. It’s good fun.
    We are also doing a cycle challenge. I have to ride 25 miles within June and I will get a medal!
    Missing everyone so much. Have a good weekend

    1. Hiya, Megan! It’s lovely to hear from you! I am fine, thank you. I’m glad to hear you are good and have been talking to your friends. I like to talk to my firnds too. Good luck with your cycle challenge! I hope you have a good weekend as well and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  5. Hi Mrs. Lindsay, this week I enjoyed doing the money work while sitting outside in the sunshine. We used real money and it was good fun. I like maths and numbers. Have a good weekend. Lewis B

    1. Hiya, Lewis! It is lovely to hear from you! That sounds like a good idea, doing your money work outside in the sunshine. I’m glad you like Maths and numbers. I do too! Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  6. Hi Mrs Lindsey

    I’ve been doing my school work and reading Dav Pilkey Books I get one after I do the maths factor each week I got two new video games in the last four months I got Minecraft and Luigi‘s mansion three .

    1. Hiya, Douglas! It is lovely to hear from you! Are you enjoying the Dav Pilkey books? My son, Robbie, plays those games and thinks they are great! I think I will ask him if I can have a turn! Have a good weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  7. Hi Mrs Lindsay, this week I made a mini allotment planting peas, tomato’s, carrots and sunflowers. It was my daddy’s birthday and we had a tropical party with coconut drinks. I’ve enjoyed counting coins and setting up a shop with my toys.

    1. Hi, Sam! You have been busy this week! I saw the pictures of your rainbow tank and your mini allotment that Mum sent in. I thought they were fab! It sounds like Daddy had a great birthday! I bet he loved his tropical party! Have a good weekend. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

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