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Good morning, everyone!

I hope you are all well. I have loved hearing how the boys and girls have been getting on. Please tell them I am missing them!

Here is this week’s check-in. Please help your child to add a comment to this post by Friday. They can just say hello and tell me how they are or they can tell me what they have been doing.

Stay safe,

Mrs Lindsay

24 thoughts on “Check-in

  1. hi Mrs Lindsay, how are you? I am good. I read a full book in one day. I have wrote a letter to my cousin in Canada. My mum and my dad got bikes so we have been going on bike rides. my mum sent you pictures of my room, did you like it? I love it and I am spending lots of time in there chatting with my friends on facetime.

    1. Hi, Megan! I am fine, thank you. I’m glad to hear you are good. I bet your cousin will love getting a letter from you. I saw the pictures of your room, I think it is fab! You and Nathan are very lucky! No wonder you are spending lots of time in there! Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  2. Hi Mrs Lindsey,
    I’ve been reading these books called Dogman. I’ve read Lord of the fleas, Brawl of the wild and dog man and cat kid. I’ve also been reading some more books like Oor Wullie and the broons.
    I also got one of the newest Beaver badges. I travelled a mile up a hill to get it.

    1. Hi, Douglas! You have been doing a lot of reading! I like to read too. I have been reading my book out in garden in the sunshine this week. What has been your favourite book? Well done for getting one of the newest Beaver badges! Have a lovely weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  3. Hi Mrs Lindsay,

    I was wondering how you were doing. If you were wondering, I’m fine. Also, I can ride my bike one handed and cycle with my feet off of the pedals. I can also use the brakes as the handles. I have been doing very good with my work.

    1. Hi, Idrees! I am fine, thank you. I’m glad you are fine too. It sounds like you are fab on your bike but please be careful you don’t fall off and hurt yourself! I don’t want you to get hurt. Have a lovely weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  4. Hi mrs Lindsay

    I got a new tablet this morning to help me with my school work. I’ve been playing on it all day and asking Alexa questions. I went to see my gran today too which was great as it was her birthday.

    I hope you and your family are well!
    Freya x

    1. Hi, Freya! Wow! A new tablet! How exciting! I think your Gran would have been so pleased to see you today and I bet it made her birthday even more special. Robbie, Ava and I are all fine, thank you. We have been out enjoying the sunshine this week. Have a lovely weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  5. Hi Mrs Lindsay,

    How are you? I’m good thanks. I’ve had a lot of fun playing outside. The weather has been lovely. My mum bought Gregor and I a big water gun each which has been a lot of fun. I also wrote a letter to my gran’s dog, Milly. I miss giving her cuddles lots. Hope you and your family have a good weekend.

    Lewis x

    1. Hi, Lewis! I’m fine, thank you. I’m glad to hear you are good. You are right, the weather has been lovely this week! Robbie and Ava have had lots of fun playing outside as well. Have you been having water fights with Gregor? I hope you haven’t got soaked! My brother and I used to play with water guns when we were young until my Mum hid them because we were arguing so much! Have a good weekend too and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  6. Hi Mrs Lindsay,
    Hope you are enjoying the nice weather. I wrote my letter to my grandma in Aberdeen and have drawn my book cover. I have been practising my spelling by drawing it on each others backs. I’ve been going on big bike rides too. Have fun, Jesse.

    1. Hi, Jesse! I am sorry for taking so long to reply to you, I just found your message in another folder this morning! I really did enjoy the nice weather! Did you? It sounds like you have been a busy bee! Robbie, Ava and I have been going for bike rides too. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  7. Hello Mrs Lindsay – how are you and your family doing? Mum and i have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory together. I am loving it. They have just arrived at the Chocolate Factory. I have written my letter and my mum photocopied it so I can send it to a few people. Enjoy your weekend and have family fun.

    1. Hi, Hana! We are all fine, thank you. How are you? I love that book! My Dad and I read that together when I was about your age! I am sure everyone will like getting a letter from you. I am enjoying this warm and sunny weather. Robbie, Ava and I have been out in the garden all week. Have a lovely weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  8. Hi Mrs Lindsay

    This week I have been on a long walk with my mum where we looked at some old photos of Burnside and how it has changed.
    I have continued to do my maths on the computer and also wrote a letter to my friends.
    I am enjoying being outside in the sunny weather with my brother.

    Keep safe


    1. Hi, Lewis! That must have been very interesting looking at old photos of Burnside and noticing how it has changed. I am enjoying being outside in the sunshine too. I have been going for walks and reading my book in the garden. What have you been doing outside with your brother? Have a lovely weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  9. Hi Mrs Lindsay, I hope you have been having fun in the sun. I wrote a letter to my friend Harry who I haven’t seen for aaaaaaggggggeeeeeesssssss and my gran came to see my potatoes in the garden on Saturday. I love the sun being out. Take care, Rory L

    1. Hi, Rory! I have been having fun in the sun with Robbie and Ava! We have been having water fights, bbqs and visiting their Grandparents in their gardens. I’m sure your friend Harry will like getting a letter from you and I bet your Gran was impressed that you were growing potatoes! I love the sun being out too and hope it stays for a long time! Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  10. Hi Mrs Lindsay

    I am good how about you? I have been reading The bad guys in the big bad wolf \in the baddest day ever and having fun with my family and doing lots of work

    1. Hi, Noah! I am fine, thank you. I am glad to hear you are good. I have never read that book, are you enjoying it? What have you been doing with your family? The sun has disappeared this afternoon! I hope it comes back again soon! Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  11. Hi Mrs Lindsay

    How are you?

    Yesterday I made non Newtonian fluid which was a lot of fun.

    I thought it was really cool because it changed from solid to liquid and back to solid.

    I also cycled to and from Glasgow Green which was 10 miles.

    Today I am going to cycle to the park and when I come home I am going to play draughts with my dad.

    I have also been making short stories on plot generator and it is good fun.

    Have a nice weekend!

    Lewis Saunders 🙂

    1. Hiya, Lewis! It is lovely to hear from you! I am fine, thank you. How are you? You have been busy, being a Scientist and a cyclist! I don’t think I could cycle ten miles! Are your legs sore today? I used to play draughts with my Dad as well when I was younger. Have a good weekend too and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  12. Hi Mrs Lindsay! How are you?
    I have been working hard towards getting a Kindle Fire.
    I did my Grammar this morning and I have been working hard on my money learning.

    1. Hiya, Jesse! It is lovely to hear from you! I am fine, thank you. How are you? It sounds like you have been working hard this week. I’ll keep my fingers crossed you manage to get a Kindle Fire. Have a good weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

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