Burnside’s Got Talent

Usually around  this time, we are preparing auditions for the event of the year “Burnside’s Got Talent”! As the children won’t be able to share their talents on stage this year, we are thinking about bringing the stage to them!

At the moment, all the teachers are just planning it but we are thinking about asking parents to email in a video (no longer than 20 seconds with no audio as a song will be played over the clips) of their child showcasing their talent! They will then be collated together and shared on Twitter at the end of term.

Please don’t send in any videos yet, just discuss this with your child to see if this is something they would like to participate in. Once details have been finalised, I’ll let you know more information.

Stay, safe,

Mrs Lindsay


2 thoughts on “Burnside’s Got Talent

  1. Hi Mrs Lindsay

    I have been doing lots of work and I am reading Dog Man fetch 22 and having fun with my family.


    1. Hi, Noah! Are you enjoying the book? My son, Robbie, has read the Dog Man books and he loved them! I bet you are outside having fun in the sun with your family today! That’s what Robbie, Ava and I are going to do this afternoon! Have a lovely weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

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