
See the source imageGood morning, everyone!

I hope you are all well. It has been lovely to hear how the boys and girls have been getting on. Please tell them I am missing them!

Here is this week’s check-in. Please help your child to add a comment to this post by Thursday. They can just say hello and tell me how they are or they can tell me what they have been doing.

Stay safe,

Mrs Lindsay

27 thoughts on “Check-in

    1. Hi, Jacob! It is lovely to hear from you! I’m missing you and all the Room 5 boys and girls too but is important we stay at home just now to keep us all safe. I’m glad the sun is shining today, I bet you are having fun outside with your sister and Mum. I think Robbie, Ava and I will go out for a nice stroll in the sun now. Enjoy the long weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  1. Good morning Mrs lindsay. How are you? I’m good a little bit bored. I have been working on my dictionary work sheet. I found tadpoles in a pond, after that I am going to play Minecraft. What have you been up to? Stay safe Jack.

    1. Hi, Jack! It is lovely to hear from you! I’m fine, thank you. Robbie and Ava get a bit bored too but the sun is shining today so I think you should all go outside and have fun in the sun! You could play with your little brothers. I’ve been a busy bee! I’ve been doing lots of work for school, as well as, helping Robbie and Ava with their home learning. I’ve also been gardening, baking and going out for long walks. Enjoy the long weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  2. I’ve been reading this book called dog man Lord of the fleas it’s very funny. I’ve also been doing my dictionary, spelling and my maths. My time on the two times table sheet was three minutes and two seconds. I have also been doing some trampolining.

    1. Hi, Douglas! It is lovely to hear from you! You have been a busy boy! What a great time too! I have been out on the trampoline as well! I was quite tired after jumping! Robbie and Ava were laughing at me! Have a lovely long weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  3. I did very good on a math game that I played I also played a shape game and I wrote down my sentences from my spelling words.

    1. Hi, Sam! It’s lovely to hear from you! Well done for doing well with the Maths games you have been playing. I bet your sentences are great! Are your sisters still being good teachers? Enjoy the long weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  4. Hi Mrs Lindsay,
    I made some colorful paper art for the front window of a boy and a girl after I watched an art show with my mummy.
    I have been practising my reading and enjoying going out on my bike too.
    I hope you are having fun with your family.
    Lots of love,

    1. Hi, Jesse! It’s lovely to hear from you! I bet your window looks fab! I am having lots of fun with my family, we have been out on the trampoline today since it is a lovely sunny day. Robbie and Ava were laughing at me jumping. Enjoy the long weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  5. Hello Mrs Lindsay I want to see my friends I am grOWing a sunflOWer and lavender in my garden.
    I have been doing tasks on studyladder and learning my OW words.

    take care

    1. Hi, Leon! It’s lovely to hear from you! I’m missing my friends too but I’m just thinking about all the fun I am going to have when I see them again. Wow! Growing a sunflower and lavender in your garden, you must have green fingers! It sounds like you are working hard. Robbie and Ava have been working hard with their home learning as well. Enjoy the long weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  6. Hi Mrs Lindsay,

    It’s Seren here. I’ve been quite busy today. My mummy took us on a big walk which took us through Holmhills Wood and then onto Cambuslang Park. We walked round the paths there and explored hidden paths. We did some common words when we got back and I worked on my hand writing. I’m also working on my picture of a sunflower but because I made it really big it’s going to take ages to colour in! We also played in the paddling pool 👍 I miss you and all my friends. I’m really looking forward to the day when we can all come back to school. I hope you’re ok and enjoyed some sun today. Take care. Seren

    1. Hi, Seren! It’s lovely to hear from you! I’m fine, thank you. That sounds like a great walk! Robbie, Ava and I were out walking in the sunshine too and we also had fun on the trampoline. I think your sunflower picture will be great when it is finished, if it is ok with Mum (and she has time) maybe you could ask her to send me a picture of it? I’m missing you and all the Room 5 boys and girls as well and looking forward to the day when we can go back to school too. Enjoy the long weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  7. Hi Mrs Lindsay

    I have been doing lots of work this week on my maths and I am working on speed and accuracy and having fun with my family.


    1. Hi, Noah! It’s lovely to hear from you! It sounds like you are a Maths whizzkid! I bet you had lots of fun in the sun yesterday with your family. Robbie, Ava and I were out walking and jumping on the trampoline. Enjoy the long weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  8. Hi Mrs Lindsay,

    How are you? I have been busy with school work. Mum said she will send some pictures. We set our butterflies free yesterday. It was great to see them fly away. I have written a story about it and drawn a picture. I hope you have a fun holiday weekend with your family. My dad is going to take me on a bike ride.

    Take care,

    1. Hi, Alfie! It’s lovely to hear from you! I’m fine, thank you. How are you? I’m looking forward to seeing your pictures. That must have been super to see the butterflies fly away! I hope you have a fun holiday weekend with your family, I’m sure I will! I hope the sun comes back though! Enjoy your bike ride and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  9. Hi Mrs Lindsay,

    I hope you had fun on the trampoline. I’ve been doing my OW words in playdoh. My potatoes are growing really well, I hope to grow enough for you to have some. I said to my mum that I want to be a farmer! I will send you a picture over the weekend. Enjoy your day off. Rory 🙂

    1. Hi, Rory! It’s lovely to hear from you! I had lots of fun on the trampoline, even though I was tired when I came off. Robbie and Ava thought it was very funny when I was jumping up high! Oh, Rory, that would be so kind of you! I love to eat potatoes, I’m looking forward to eating them already! I can’t wait to see a picture. I think you would be a super farmer. Enjoy the long weekend and stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  10. Hi Mrs Lindsay,

    How are you? I’m good this week but don’t have much to report. I have been busy with all my tasks. We also have been going for nice long walks. Hope you and your family have a lovely long weekend.

    Missing you lots,

    Lewis x

    1. Hi, Lewis! It is lovely to hear from you! I’m fine, thank you. I’m glad you are good. Robbie, Ava and I have been going out for long walks too. I enjoy doing that especially when the sun is shining. I hope the sun stays for the long weekend. I miss you and all the Room 5 boys and girls as well. I’m thinking about all the fun we are going to have when we go back to school. I hope you have a good time with your family this weekend too. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  11. Hello Mrs Lindsay, how are you? I have been doing lots of different work at home. I have been reading the worlds worst children 2 which i really like. I’ve done science centre sessions, pe with joe, studdy ladder, maths and words in the busy book this week. I have also been playing football with daddy at play time and playing switch after school with Alfie which is fun. I miss you.

    1. Hi, Joel! It is lovely to hear from you! You have been a busy bee! Well done! Did you score lots of goals when you were playing football with Daddy? Playing your Switch with your friend sounds fun. I miss you and all the Room 5 boys and girls too but is important for us all to stay at home just now to keep us safe and well. Enjoy the long weekend, I hope the rain stops and the sun comes back! Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  12. Hi Mrs Lindsay

    Today I wrote a letter to Siam water park in Tenerife with my idea for a new water slide. I’ve been baking with my sisters and trying to ride my scooter whenever I can

    1. Hi, Sam! You have been a busy bee! A new water slide sounds like a fab idea! What have you been baking with your sisters? I bet you have been out on your scooter today as it’s such a lovely day! I hope the sun keeps shining. Keep safe. Mrs Lindsay

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