Home Learning for Week beginning 27th April

Good morning and welcome to Home Learning Week 4. I hope you have all been enjoying the hot and sunny weather!

I have listed tasks which can be undertaken during the week and can be carried out in any order. Everyone is in a different situation so please do whatever you can with your child and don’t worry about completing them all.



Below are the phonemes/phoneme words/common words for each group. Try to practise them every day using a multi-sensory activity.  Multi-sensory ideas could include: making the words using play dough, painting the words, writing the words in a sand tray or on a whiteboard/chalkboard, as well as, writing the words on a computer then changing the font/size, writing the words using fancy letters or with eyes shut.  The words could even be written using the hand not normally used for writing.  Can you and your child think of any new multi-sensory activities to try? You could give your child a spelling quiz, either oral or written, at the end of the week to see how many words they can remember.


“tch” phoneme – watch, match, ditch, patch, witch, stitch, catch, hatch, snatch, scratch, kitchen                                                                                                                                                             Common Words – another, time, windy


Same as the Red Group.  In addition, ask your child if they can think of any others words which have the “tch” phoneme. Please check that the words are spelled correctly and ask them to practise these words as well.


“au” phoneme – sauce, because, applaud, pause, Paul, Laura                                                                 Common Words – week, keep, when


All the letters of the alphabet. Please also try to practise saying them correctly and writing them using correct formation. Any colouring activities which could be undertaken would also be beneficial as this would help to develop finger muscles which would aid pencil control.

CHALLENGE ACTIVITY Try writing a sentence for each word. Remember to use V.C.O.P. (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation).


Please find the text below for your child’s group. Try to answer the questions in a sentence in the Home Learning jotter.





Please complete pages 6 – 9 of the booklet pictured below (one page per day). Words could also be practised using paint, pasta and play dough etc.


Please find below the Dictionary booklets for each group with pages to be undertaken.


Please complete pages 3 and 4 of this booklet.


Please complete page 4 of this booklet.


Please complete the page indicated below for your child’s group.


Grapes and Pineapples


Personal Reading

Please set aside time each day to spend some time reading for pleasure. There are lots of books to choose from on the Free Book Website. The link for this was posted last Wednesday. Have fun!


Please find below this term’s Learn Its/Counting activities and tasks for your child’s group. Workbook pages can be completed orally, on paper or in the Home Learning jotter. There are also two online activities on Studyladder for each group. Logins were given out to the children before we finished, as well as, enclosed in the Home Learning packs.


We spoke briefly about “quarter to” before we finished, please let me know if anyone is finding this tricky.



Please continue to practise counting forwards to 10, as well as, counting backwards.  Also, practise writing numbers to 10 correctly and try to count different objects around the house e.g. spoons, crayons. Discuss numbers after/1 more, before/1 less and between, e.g. What number is 1 more than 2?, What number comes before 5?  What number comes between 7 and 9?

Numbers 1 More/1 Less

When completing the Time worksheet below, please write digital times as 2:00 and not 02:00.

Time Worksheet

Other Activities

Axel Scheffler has illustrated a story book for children to help explain the coronavirus.  If you and you child would like to share this book together, please click on the link below.


Using the links below you can print out some posters for your child to colour and display to remind people to stay at home at the moment in order to remain safe.

Stay at Home Poster 1

Stay at Home Poster 2

Stay at Home Poster 3

A fun scavenger hunt could also be done by all the family! Please see below.

Remember you can share any good pieces of work by emailing them to gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk

I have loved seeing all the photographs of the children and their great jobs that have  already been emailed in. I have seen a fab World War 1 tank, a super reading job and a fab coronavirus time capsule sheet, as well as, children completing Time tasks and even doing extra Money jobs! Keep up the good work!

I will post our “Check-in Station” on Thursday so all the boys and girls can let me know how they are doing. It would be great if everyone could leave a comment.

I hope you all have a super week and keep safe everyone!

Mrs Lindsay

9 thoughts on “Home Learning for Week beginning 27th April

  1. Hello everyone,

    Well, wasn’t the weekend just amazing, so warm. I hope you all managed to get to enjoy the sunshine.

    It has been lovely to hear from the children who have ‘checked-in’ if you haven’t already done so, can you please leave a wee message to let your teachers know how you are getting on.

    I hope you all enjoyed learning about the animals at Blair Drummond Safari Park last week. I found it interesting learning about all the different animals, a few of them seemed a bit cheeky!

    This week we are off to visit Harry Potter, please see Miss Ferry’s blog link below! I love Harry Potter. My wizard name is apparently Sirius Murray and I’ve been sorted into the Gryffindor House – what is your wizard name and which house have you been sorted into?


    Keep in touch and please continue to keep us updated with what you have been doing, I love seeing your photographs – that you have been sending in.
    Have fun!
    Sirius Murray
    Aka. Mr Miller

  2. Joel Lawrie had a great weekend and is doing well. He had his Beavers’s camp on Saturday and learned how to pitch a tent and slept outside overnight. He loved it. He will be working through his schoolwork this week and has been doing well working at home. Hope you are all well.

    1. Hello, Mrs Lawrie! We are all fine, thank you. I’m glad to hear Joel had a great weekend and is doing well. The weather at the weekend was just right for camping. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

  3. Hi Mrs Lindsay,

    Hope you are well this!

    Sorry to be a pest but we can’t see the reading task anymore. Can you please have a look?

    Many thanks,

    Paula x

    1. Hi, Mrs Rooney! I’m fine, thank you. I hope you are all well too. I deleted the pictures from this week’s blog from my computer when I was preparing next week’s and I think when I do that it deletes the pictures from the blog too. Apologies! I have put the pictures for the reading task back on. I hope you can see them now. Mrs Lindsay

  4. Hi Mrs Lindsay,

    Hope you are well this week!

    Sorry to be a pest but we can’t see the reading task anymore. Can you please have a look?

    Many thanks,

    Paula x

    1. Hi, Noah! I’m glad you are doing well with your work and you are having fun with your family. Stay safe. Mrs Lindsay

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