Spring Break Holiday

Good afternoon everyone,

Just a reminder that after today (3rd April) there will be a two week holiday from school work and that home learning will resume on Monday 20th April. If you need anything during this time the details of how to contact S.M.T. are on the app.

Here are some links to some fun Easter activities that you can print out and do if you wish:

Easter WordSearches


Easter Baskets


Easter Mindfulness Colouring Sheets


I am aware this will be a very different holiday for us but I hope you can relax and enjoy spending time as a family whilst staying safe and well. I also hope the Easter Bunny is good to you! I’m missing you all and I hope to see you soon.

Mrs Lindsay


2 thoughts on “Spring Break Holiday

    1. Thank you, Noah! I hope you have a lovely time with your family too and the Easter Bunny is good to you! Mrs Lindsay

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