Home Learning for Week beginning 30th March

Good morning!

I hope you are all keeping safe and well, and had a good first week of home learning.

This week, please continue to work through the folder of activities sent home.  This also includes website suggestions.  The children could also continue designing and building a simple 3-d model of a tank.  As we are an Eco School, children should try to use recycled materials in the construction of their models.  Also, some other jobs which could be undertaken, include: 


• Write a weekly diary entry describing what you are doing and how you are feeling.
• Find a news story that interests you online or on tv/radio and write about in in your own words.  You could even draw or print a picture too.
• Spelling practise.  Use spelling words from previous Blogs to practise rules.  Use a variety of active spelling strategies and get an adult to test you.
• Write a mini book.
• Copy the front cover of your favourite book.
• Dictionary games, e.g.  get an adult to time you finding words.
• Play ‘Stop the Bus’ alphabet game.


• Online Maths games, e.g. Topmarks
• Practise “Learn Its”/Times Tables


• Personal research about World War One.
• Choose an aspect of our class topic, World War One, and undertake a drawing or a painting.
• Still Life Drawing – Choose something at home to draw, e.g. a bowl of fruit, a view from a window.
• Easter Art – Decorate a hard boiled egg or make an Easter bonnet.
• Home Baking

Below are also some free resources that are provided daily that the children could do.  We all really enjoyed reading “The World’s Worst Children” and “The World’s Worst Children 2” by David Walliams in class  so I’m delighted that he is putting up a free story every day on his website.

As I said last week, you can work through these activities in any order and at any pace.  As every families’ circumstances are different, don’t worry if you don’t get them done.  Please make sure in the days ahead you are making lots of time for play and having fun at home, this is more important than any task I set.

If you manage to complete a piece of work or participate in an activity you are particularly proud of and would like to share a photo, you can email them to:


When sending an email could you please include the pupil’s name, class (Room 5) and the word Twitter within the SUBJECT BOX of the email as this will be used by all staff.  Your photos could then be shared onto the school twitter account for everyone to see!

I’m missing all my Room 5 boys and girls but we all have to stay at home at the moment to stay safe.  I will hopefully see you all soon.

Mrs Lindsay






13 thoughts on “Home Learning for Week beginning 30th March

  1. Dear parent/carers,

    I hope you are all well and managing to keep yourself and your family busy in this very surreal time.

    Thank You Mrs. Lindsay for your comprehensive learning activities – I love the ‘Daily Live’ Activities. I hope the boys and girls enjoy!

    Take care, missing the boys and girls very much, hope to see you all soon!
    Mr. Miller 🙂

  2. Hi Mrs Lindsay,
    I don’t seem to have Megan’s glow account details but nathan has his. Is megan supposed to have this?

    1. Hello, I hope you are all safe and well. No, Megan just has a log-in for study ladder which I will be using after the Easter holidays. I hope home learning is going well. Mrs Lindsay

      1. Miss Johnston, could you also tell Megan I said hello and I saw the photograph of her working hard that you emailed to the school. Mrs Lindsay

        1. Megan said hello back and that she is missing you.
          Thanks for the info regarding glow. She’s been on study ladder a few times and I’m printing off more work for her! She’s also reading lots and doing some book reviews.

          1. Miss Johnston, could you please tell Megan that I am missing her and all the Room 5 children too. It sounds as if she has been working very hard. Well done, Megan!

  3. Hi Mrs Lindsay

    Hope you are well?

    Trying to keep kids busy, whilst also working from home- glad I am part time but it is still intense! Today we did Joe Wicks, the telephone worksheet, painted a tulip, wrote a card and addressed envelope to Grandparents, cycled to post, cycled on to see cousins through a window at a distance of 2m, practised 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36 to swingball tennis, and continued building a robot from a Christmas present. Hard to keep the balance between doing stuff and stopping him for thinking about and asking for snacks all day!!!

    We have done cooking, science, etc. And built the tank. Wee brother too.

    Please can you send us some Egyptian activities? And some maths activities that do not involve a device as I need mine for work. We do not have a printer.

    Can you also give us some new words?

    Many thanks

    1. Also if you could point us in the right direction with all these websites. It is completely overwhelming and a steer would be a great help

    2. Hello, Mrs Gallie, I am fine, thank you and I hope you and your family are safe and well too. I know exactly what you mean as I have two children, it’s not easy! Although it sounds as if you have all been very busy and undertaking some great activities! Have you managed to take photographs and email them to the school? I would love to see the tanks Douglas and his brother made! If you have finished the Maths worksheets which were in the home learning folder and you are unable to access any online games or a printer, perhaps Douglas could practise his Learn Its (and related Fact Families) and Times Tables using multi-sensory activities, e.g. rainbow writing or across and down writing. He could even use playdough or pasta! Douglas could even time himself saying each Times Table and try to beat his time each day. If possible, he could do some personal research about World War One which was our I.D.L. topic this term. New spelling words will be posted after the Easter holiday, in the mean time, Douglas could generate a list of his own words for each phoneme. He could also write sentences using these words, remembering to “up-level” his work using V.C.O.P.(Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation). I would just use the websites which Douglas has some interest in and could be fun for him. In class we were reading books by David Walliams so he might like to listen to some other stories by this author or take part in some Science activities. You certainly don’t need to use them all, it was just a selection of websites to give parents some fun ideas for things to do at home. Please don’t feel under any pressure to do these activities, just do what you and Douglas can manage. It sounds like you are doing a great job! Tell Douglas I said hello! Mrs Lindsay

      1. Thanks Mrs Lindsay. I spent about an hour last night on Twinkl and signing up to Sumdog but it’s just overwhelming the amount of stuff and knowing what level he is capable of. There is a lot of bribery going on with sweets and Switch time to get work done but I don’t want him to lose a term of school again. He had a lot of teacher absence in P1 and P2 and now in P3 we have covid 🙈 I know there are worse things to worry about just now.
        I am thinking to keep things going over the Easter holiday on a less intense scale? The idea of trying to restart again in two weeks after nothing will be a struggle!

    1. Mrs Gallie, could you please tell Douglas that I am having a nice time with my son and daughter but I am missing him and all the Room 5 children. Mrs Lindsay

  4. Thank you for sending in those great pictures! Please tell Douglas and his brother I think the tanks are fab! Mrs Lindsay

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