Home Learning for Week beginning 23rd March

Good afternoon!

I hope you and your family are keeping well.  Please tell the children I am missing them already and Room 5 was a very quiet place today.

I posted last week some ideas for activities to do at home for those already self-isolating and I will copy these onto the bottom of this post too.  A folder of work with activities and website suggestions has also been given out which you can work through in any order and at any pace.  However,  as every families’ circumstances are different, don’t worry if you don’t get it done.  Please make sure in the days ahead you are making lots of time for play and having fun at home, this is more important than any task I set.

Take care of yourselves and I will hopefully see you all soon.

Mrs Lindsay

Suggested Activities:


• Write a weekly diary entry describing what you are doing and how you are feeling.
• Find a news story that interests you online or on tv/radio and write about in in your own words.  You could even draw or print a picture too.
• Spelling practise.  Use spelling words from previous Blogs to practise rules.  Use a variety of active spelling strategies and get an adult to test you.
• Write a mini book.
• Copy the front cover of your favourite book.
• Dictionary games, e.g.  get an adult to time you finding words.
• Play ‘Stop the Bus’ alphabet game.


• Online Maths games, e.g. Topmarks
• Practise “Learn Its”/Times Tables


• Personal research about World War One.
• Choose an aspect of our class topic, World War One, and undertake a drawing or a painting.
• Still Life Drawing – Choose something at home to draw, e.g. a bowl of fruit, a view from window.
• Easter Art – Decorate a hard boiled egg or make an Easter bonnet.
• Home Baking


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